A boy of tender years asks, one day, to his father, “can I see God?”

“No,” says the father.

The boy sheds tears. He feels lonely. He goes out and wanders in the woods. He watches the birds building their nests. He gazes at the trees. He looks up through the branches still longing to see God. Days pass by. Summer comes again. And he meets an old, illiterate man. The boy becomes his friend.

One day, the father of the boy asks him: “How are you spending your time?” The boy says, Father! I have found a friend in an old man. He is not a man of books. He is simple and quiet. He eats little. Last evening, he took me in his boat. The sun was setting. He gazed at the setting sun and his eyes were touched with tears”.

“And then?” asks the father.

The boy says, “Father! Then I went nigh to the old man. He was silent, gazing at the setting sun. And I went yet nearer. And I touched his arm and said to him, “I would not ask anybody else the question I ask of you again.”

“And then?” asks the father.

The boy says, “Father! The old man said nothing. His eyes were still fixed on the setting sun. And I pressed the question, “Can I know the secret? Can I see God?”

“No answer!” I then pulled at the old man’s shirt and I asked, ‘Won’t you tell me if I can know the secret?’ Then, the old man turned to me, with his tear filled eyes, father! His face was radiant with a strange, mystic light. And he said quietly, “My child! I see nothing but God, the secret of all that is!”

That simple old man was a seer. In his words was the thrill, the rapture of a seer, “I see nothing but God, the secret of all that is!”