“The corporate world is bad! It’s all dirty politics!” That’s the general impression most of us have about the senior management. Many companies may indulge in a lot of dirty games to achieve and retain power.

They could also resort to such tactics in order to kill competition, to gain more profits or to be in the limelight–all through manipulations. Obviously, it’s good to hear about ethics and moral values in the classroom and during your management courses. However, when it comes to practice—it is better said than done.

We may write off this in a ubiquitous statement: “Kaliyug hai” (We’re in a bad era). However, there is hope. Despite all the corruption, there are still a few organisations where values are maintained, and principles are adhered to. But for such a thing to happen in all organisations, today’s businessmen have to take a very positive step.

Kautilya advices, “He should not effect the corruption of the uncorrupted as of water by poison; for, it may well happen that a cure may not be found for one corrupted.” (1.10.18) This thought has to be inculcated right at the start—the day the young managers or trainees join the companies with a hope in their hearts.

The era of Boss is over. If you boss over your employees, they will run away the moment they get a better opportunity.

Do not corrupt the uncorrupted young minds for they follow what you teach them. Just like children, even people working under you will naturally watch you and copy your actions. We have to be positive role models, persons who practise what they preach. Just like professors are God for college students, so too immediate superiors are like God for any employee.

A senior person should look at the following tips in order to create a beautiful, uncorrupted organisation:

Be a mentor, not a boss

The era of Boss is over. If you boss over your employees, they will run away the moment they get a better opportunity. In fact, there’s a modern saying in the corporate world: “People do not leave organisations; they leave their bosses”. So be a mentor who guides them.

Introduce spirituality

It is the latest trend in the corporate world and disciplines like Yoga and meditation have gained a lot of popularity. Go a step beyond. Invite spiritual people to give talks in your organisation. And just like you have various consultants in your organisation, you can even approach some noble person to be your organisation’s spiritual guide.

Moid Siddiqui, who is a leading personality in the area of ‘spirituality at work place’, wrote in his book Soul Inc, “some of the best lessons I learnt about values was by watching saint-like seniors”.

So, set a new trend by your own thoughts and actions.

Always remember, “Another world is possible…”