In ancient days the Master said to his disciple: “Go ye, O Bikhus! to different lands, and ask the people if they keep memory.” I, too, a bikhu; and to you, young men of India! to you I bring the question—Do you keep memory? Or are you still in forgetfulness? You tell me there are schools and colleges and other activities. I ask in humility—Is there in them a remembrance of India? Are you in touch with the nation-soul? The Bharat atma? Do you hear the Mother’s voice?

It is a voice sounding across the centuries—“Uttishta Jagrata,” “Awake! Arise!” Opinions and creeds have changed. But the voice of the mother has spoken century after century. We are fallen; but the voice of the mother is alive.

If you would be men, be simple. The greatest ones of India have borne testimony to the beauty of the simple life.

I am not pessimistic. Pessimism is going backwards. And I believe profoundly that there is creative energy in youth. The young can, if they will build a new order in India. What they need is a culture of manhood. One aspect of it is simplicity. If you would be men, be simple. The greatest ones of India have borne testimony to the beauty of the simple life. This, indeed, is one of the essential marks of the national culture and life of India. The greater the man, the simpler is he in life. This is the age-long witness of Indian history.