Have kinship with all; life is not fight, as civilization is not war; the deepest self of all nations and races is the one eternal self; and each has an unknown chord, which when touched, breathes notes of harmony from this hidden self.

Kinship with all! For the self in you binds you, as by invisible chains, to the suns and the stars, to: the things of the earth and the things of the sky. Only enter into silence; only sit in the great spaces of your soul-life; and you will have a glimpse of the splendour of the infinite in all.

Did you ever ask yourself why it is that you cannot well understand anything in the world, not even a grain of sand! The grain of sand is inseparable from the infinite; the flower in the crannied wall is a thought of the creative artist; who can understand them all in all? Charged with this consciousness science becomes worship, nature a temple, history a scripture, knowledge a communion with the wonderful, and the one dharma of life is understood to be daily sacrifice to the self.