Zarathushtra gives us a significant picture of hell. He says, “In hell, though the souls are as close to one another as are the ears to the eyes and as numerous as the hairs in the mane of a horse, yet everyone feels himself alone!”

Much of the misery of modern life comes from loneliness. Much strength may come to us out of a sense that in our work we are in contact with a greaterthanourselves. In the consciousness of dependence on the Divine, in a sense of allegiance to the living infinite ideal, is the richness of life.

Humility is not selfcondemnation. It is selfrenunciation. Humility, at its highest, is being nothing. And to be “nothing”, to be a “zero”, is to meet the secret God. It is to, see Him as the One Mighty Worker.

Mistaken are we if we think that we are making a new India. The more I study the events of recent years, the more I feel that life Lord is making India, not we. He is the Worker. Blessed we if we strive to be His instruments. And in the measure, we are truly humble. He works through us for India, for humanity.