Swami Vivekananda had once predicted that India will rise on the basis of knowledge. True enough, knowledge has become the greatest asset of our country. As more and more projects are getting outsourced to India, we have to focus more on our strength of knowledge.

Whether it is KPO (Knowledge Process Outsourcing) or R&D (Research and Development), India has great advantages over its counterparts.

However, the knowledge cannot be restricted to just hiring intelligent mangers from top B schools. The leader or the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the organisation himself should be a knowledge seeker.

Kautilya advises, “Just as an elephant, blinded by intoxication and mounted by an intoxicated driver, crushes whatever it finds (on the way), so the king, not possessed of the eye of science, and (hence) blind, has risen to destroy the citizens and the country people.” (1.14.7)

The CEO of an organisation holds a position of power and is the commander and the decision maker. However, if he gets intoxicated by his power and position alone, it will definitely not be long before he loses his chair, may be even destroy the organisation itself.

This is where we need Kautilya’s advice for focusing on knowledge. A leader should focus on making his organisation a knowledge organisation. But, first he has to start with himself.

No leader should be afraid that he will lose his position and authority if his subordinates become better than him.

Here are a few tips for this:

Gather more information.

A CEO should have his information-gathering systems in place. He should get any information he requires at the speed of thought. He can use technology to gather quick information.  But always remember: Information does not mean knowledge.

Study the knowledge acquired

It’s very important for a CEO to study and analyse the information he gathers. He should spend at least an hour per day to read books and learn something new and regularly meet experts of different fields, at least once a week.


What the CEO has learnt should be used to experiment with his organisation. Try a new method, invest in a new technology. Take measures. Take calculate risks. A part of his budget should be allocated for research and development.


Next, he should train his own staff and team members about the new findings. No leader should be afraid that he will lose his position and authority if his subordinates become better than him. That only shows insecurity and ‘ego’ on the part of the leader. Learn to delegate and trust your subordinates.

Our country today requires more and more knowledge oriented CEOs. As Rabindranath Tagore wrote in the Gitanjali:

“Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high,

…where knowledge is free…,

Into that heaven of freedom my father let my country awake…”