As the little dot touches each chakra, as it goes up, each bijakshara is chanted. For instance, start with chanting lung, then as the silver dot is moved to the Swadhisthanawung, then when it moves to the Manipurarung. So it goes lung, wung, rung, yung, humng, and aum. This is the order. As the silver dot moves from the Mooladhara, step-by-step, touching each chakra to the Sahasrara, the respective bijaksharas are chanted and when it comes down, the bijaksharas are chanted in the reverse order.

Now this order of inhaling, holding the breath and exhaling are done as slowly and deeply as possible, at least 25-30 times. In the last round, when the silvery dot has reached the top of the head, it is visualised as merging with the greater light–the light of Shiva that resides in the Sahasrara chakra or Kailasha. Then, it is held there and the breathing is allowed to become normal and, fixing attention on the light that is merged, it is brought down again a step to the Agya chakra, the forehead chakra, and the sound of aum or pranava is chanted on and on until a state of ecstasy is reached.

It is recommended that the exercise be not done for more than half an hour to 45 minutes, at least for the beginner. If they have any doubts, it is preferable to meet a teacher and personally discuss the questions. If all the conditions are proper and the technique is practiced with complete attention, then after a few days, or maybe even on the first day, depending upon the student, waves of bliss begin to be felt going up and coming down the spine, usually going up.

As the yogi progresses in the Kundalini sadhana, the body and the mind becomes light, there is a glow within, and also an external glow on the face sometimes.

And once this happens, it is easy for the mind to absorb itself completely in the bliss and remain contemplating the inner bliss that is a spark of the Supreme. This is experienced when the Kundalini finally reaches the Sahasrara chakra and merges with the male principle that is Shiva.

Anyone who practises this for a while will begin to experience, in most cases, apart from the waves of bliss, internal lights and, sometimes, internal sounds. The advice given is that one may watch these or listen to these sounds but need not invite them deliberately. If they come, listen. If you see the lights, watch, but don’t get too much caught up or involved because these are merely milestones that say, “Yes, you are going deeper and deeper into the layers of your consciousness”. Other signs are that a yogi who has spent some time practicing the technique might begin to experience beautiful perfumes and smells coming when there is no perfume around. Watch out! It may be that someone has lit agarbathis (incense). So, eliminate all these possibilities and, if you are alone in a room and you still feel such strong scents coming, especially of incense, then you can be sure that they are psychic. These again are signs that the mind is attaining concentration and also subtlety.

As the yogi progresses in the Kundalini sadhana, the body and the mind becomes light, there is a glow within, and also an external glow on the face sometimes. The voice becomes peaceful and pleasing to hear and usually the yogi is free of serious diseases. In addition to that, as the Kundalini moves or circulates around the different chakras, the yogi begins to possess certain extraordinary and extrasensory powers that are called the Ashtasiddhis–the eight siddhis enumerated by Patanjali in the Yogasutras.