In the Ravi river, Nanak plunges for a bath. It is a blessed bath. A Voice speaks to him in the music of the waters and in the silence of his soul, he knows God by personal contact of the ‘heart with the harmony of the Eternal Self. Nanak realises that he is solitary—a soul alone with God! He comes out of the waters, his face shines with a strange, unearthly light Nanak has had a vision of the spirit whose brightness fills the river, and fills the sun and stars and fills the temple of the heart.

Nanak realises his kinship with the village folk, realises that, if he must travel to cities, he must go there as a spiritual physician to cure men and women of diseases of the soul, which the cities breed.

Nanak grows into a vision of spiritual communism. Nanak realises that he has nothing which does not, at the same time, belong to all, that his food and garments he must share with the poor, that the richest privilege of life is to share all you have with all. In, the great stress Nanak lays on fellowship and brotherhood, he reveals the secret of true spiritual communism.

Nanak looks on the poor and needy with new eyes of understanding and love, he sees the world lit up with the one light, from end to end. “Ishavasyam Sarvamidam!” “All this is covered with the One, as with garment”— said a Rishi.

Nanak sees the world with new radiant eyes. Nanak has glimpsed the beauty of the “Kingdom of Heaven.” Nanak takes upon himself the yoke of this kingdom. Nanak prepares to go out to give to men and women, of diverse countries and faiths, the message of the one Father-Mother of all, and of the one Brotherhood radiant with the light of simplicity of hiring, and adoration and love of the Divine.

A flame is in Nanak’s heart. Nanak goes out among the nations to give them a message of the Flame. In the chariot of Flame goes out the Great Lord, —the Akal Purukha to meet Man. He is a pilgrim to his home in the Eternal Flame—God. Man’s way to God is the way of yagna, the way of sacrifice.