Does not this idea give us a new outlook upon the world? If the atman is in nature, then is nature not soulless. Then the ripple of the river and the murmur of the tree and all the wonders of the world are a showing forth of the One Spirit. Then there is a vision of the One-in-all—of His light in the sun. His beauty in the moon, His benediction on the blushing rose, His emotion in the singing bird, His love in all. One of the “new sayings” of Jesus indicates this idea in a significant manner. Jesus said: “Who are they that draw us to the kingdom in heaven? The fowls of the air and all beasts that are under the earth and upon the earth and the fishes of the sea—these are they that draw you.”

Another saying of Jesus is, “Raise the stone and thou shalt find me; cleave the wood and there am I.” The Chandogyopanishad says, “He stands above, below, west, east, south and north.”

And in another Upanishad, we read, “He pervades the earth and yet transcends it: the earth moves Him not; the earth is His body: He controls the earth from within.”

This nature-idealism is the inspiration of Hindu literature. This idealistic interpretation of nature resting on the idea that God is the World-Soul—the Hiranyagarbha of the Vedas—will give, I believe, a new frame-work to western psychology and a new stimulus to western science. Nature is not alien to us; she is not an irreconcilable ‘other ’.

The laws we discover and the forces we discern are not secrets snatched by us but revelations disclosed to us by the soul of nature in that hour of ‘wise passiveness’ which pre-supposes patient investigation and truth-impassioned interpretation of nature. Kant’s things-in-themselves are, from the Hindu standpoint, things-in-God. Rightly is ‘God spoken of as Antaryamin, the Immanent God, the Absolute Originator, is the Logos of the manifested Universe.