I, having gone through the Upanishadic teachings, believe that there is another grade of evolution to happen. The brain will develop further until it begins to get a hint of what lies beyond the ordinary modes of thinking. I would call it multi-dimensional thinking, and not the usual linear thinking.

I am here, and I am going there, so there is a difference separating me. I mean there is a distance separating me and time is required to go from here to there. That’s one kind of thinking; that is conventional thought.

The Upanishads are talking of something completely different here. We are here and yet there and everywhere and that’s the true Self. Does it make any sense? No, okay. We’ll go into this carefully, okay?

Now, I go to sleep daily, you go to sleep daily, most of us go to sleep daily. I think all of us do that. Now when you are asleep, we are relaxed. Why? This is so because we don’t realise who we are. We don’t even know what we are, and therefore, the worries of the world are not there.

First, I have to be there to be worried and stressed by what’s happening around. So, nature or whatever you may call it, has provided us a respite—a kind of hiding place where we go to at night and hide. But in the morning, we wake up and we are back to the same old self, with its jealousies and anger and petty politicking and so on and so forth.

If you do that, you would begin to hit upon a part of your mind that is usually not touched—the storehouse of all creative genius

Now, from the practical point of view, from the point of view of the practice of the Upanishad, the rishi is asking whether it is possible to put away all that? Is it possible to wake up in the morning like a new-born child? Isn’t sleep a kind of death where everything is finished, and you are reborn in the morning? Can we be born fresh without carrying the unpleasantness of the past?

If you do want to carry anything at all, carry the pleasant and the happy moments of the wonderful sunrise that you saw, the sunset, or the beautiful woman whom you came upon on the beach, sitting alone and playing the reed pipe. Or it could be the lovely star that you saw one day as you looked up suddenly, or the wonderful crescent moon shining up there with its cool light bathing the scene. Can we do that? Can we wake up in the morning, fresh and free, and say, “I am a new man and I am going to look at everything anew? I am even going to handle my thought process in a new way?”

If you do that, you would begin to hit upon a part of your mind that is usually not touched—the storehouse of all creative genius—and, for that, the mind has to become quiet.