Indian economy is at its best. Foreign investors are pouring money into India. Job opportunities have opened up. Starting a new business is no more limited to the rich class. In today’s corporate scenario, there are multiple opportunities for anything you want to do. Yet, we find people sad and stressed out worrying about the future.

Kautilya suggests, “Having found a matter for consideration, he should not allow time to pass.” (1.15.45)

Do not wait for any ‘golden’ moment to start what you always wanted to do. The best time is not the ‘murhut’ that the pundit suggests, nor even the dates that come in a calendar. It is right here and now! After having considered a matter, start working on it immediately. Remember always that the journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step. While starting any project or assignment, a few steps would be helpful:

Start now

There is always a problem in starting anything. Maximum energy is required at this point. You need to challenge yourself to get out of your laziness. Do not get caught with the postponement attitude. A work started is work half done. Just start!

Prepare a plan

Starting does not mean getting excited. You need to have a direction for how you are going to reach your goal. Take a piece of paper (or open a new file in your computer) and jot down your points. Give shape to your thoughts. Prepare a blueprint of what you want to do. Begin with the end in the mind.

Consult an expert

As we are not sure of our ideas being practical, take the advice of an expert. Take the help of the person who can guide you in making your dream a reality. It is very important not to go to a person who says, “It will not work”. Beware of such negative energy in the beginning. You will kill the child even before it is born. Your consultant should himself be a person of positive attitude and should be successful in his own field.

Work out your plan

All said and done, you have to work out your plan. Do not spend too much time trying to make your plan perfect. Plans are theories can be successful only if they are given wings of practical application. Once you start, help and required resources will come. You will learn a lot as you keep putting more and more self-effort. You can keep improving your plan on the way.

However, it is important to complete what you have started to achieve. It is not important how many new things you have started. What is important is how many of them have you completed. Complete what you have started. And, then, start again after you have completed!