There’s an old saying in the army, “Your success in war depends on your preparation during peace-time.” We are all preparing ourselves for some form of challenges that may come in the future—exams, interviews, presentations, meetings and many others.

But when it comes to a confrontation, we just cannot attack straightaway. We have to carefully diagnose the opponent and then decide the attack. At times, not attacking is actually the best attack!

Chankaya says, “If there is equal advancement in peace or war, he should resort to peace.” (7.2.1).

Yes, war is the last route a warrior should take. After all, it results in destruction and loss of life and assets. Even in a corporate scenario, when people are faced by decisions regarding whether to fight or not, one should evaluate the complete picture and then decide the move.

Unlike in the military, the corporate war may not comprise of actual blood-shed. But it does result in verbal arguments, attacking the competitor’s market, or may even end up in a courtroom as a legal drama.

Chanakya tells us to hold on before taking such a decision. Peace is the first option. But how do we decide about an attack? Here are some tips:

What is the loss?

One needs to ask himself: What will be the loss if I take up the war? Apart from monetary loss, there are other form of loss like time, energy spent, and also loss of morale of the current existing team. War is always a costly affair. As an army officer so beautifully put it: “What we build in over ten years, we can lose in one day of war!”

What is the gain?

We also need to look at the possible gains we may probably get at the end of the fight: What are we fighting for? What are we going to win? Is the win really required for the benefit of one and all? Can I continue to grow without that particular gain? These deep questions need to be asked.

The timing

Finally, the decision to stay back peacefully or to attack with full power hinges on the right timing. This is a judgmental call. The most well-equipped and trained group of people may not win the game if the timing is not right. And, on the other hand, even a small group of committed people can succeed if they make the right move at the right opportunity.

Given this dilemma, the well-known serenity prayer could be modified for this situation, and then it would read like this: “God, grant me the ability to know when to stay quiet, the courage to attack when I must, and the wisdom to know the difference!”

Dr Radhakrishnan Pillai is an Indian management thinker, author, and Founder of Atma Darshan and Chanakya Aanvikshiki. Dr Pillai has extensively researched Kautilya’s Arthashastra, the 3rd century BC treatise and incorporated it into modern management.