Supreme is the Truth. Than Truth nothing is higher—says an ancient seer. And students in ancient India were taught to bear witness to Truth in their lives, their activities and aspirations. So the Sufi mystics worshipped God as the Truth (al-Haqq). India, then, was truly great. India, then, was the Teacher of the nations. And the people of India, were ahal al-Haqq, the people of the Truth, the people of God. Then, indeed, was India a free nation. Jesus rightly said: “Truth shall make you free!” When will India be truly free again—a liberated nation—shining as a star?

When a jignasu asks: O Master! Where is the Unconditioned to be found?” the Rishi answers: “Everywhere or nowhere!” This, verily, is true. True, also, was what the Rishis taught their pupils in the ashrams of ancient India: Truth is God, And Truth conquers—Truth alone!

But what is Truth? Who may answer the question in words? What is Truth? Not by lips, not by word of mouth did the Rishis answer the question. The Rishis taught that the Atman transcended speech and mind. And more than once the Rishis indicated that the Supreme was silence. The Rishis answer was not in words, not in categories of logic rich understanding, but in their life rich in humility and sacrifice, radiant with the Light in whose Divine Presence “I” and “thou” cease to exist—the Light wherein all are seen to be but pictures of the One.