Know thyself!

You are of the kingdom of Krishna!

This knowledge of the Atman is not an intellectual conception, nor a philosophy of the world.  It is a realisation—a communion—with the Eternal. This communion is called gnana and gnana radiates light, in silence.

The wisdom of the Atman is profound. But it is not intellectually attained. Wisdom is intuited, not conceptually formulated. The soul communes with the truth when the intellect, the imagination and the will enter into silence.

In silence ask yourself, “Who am I?” Try to withdraw the veils, veil after veil, until you behold Krishna, your Lord and your Brother and you speak each to the other.

Truly happy you feel when you realise that you are an Atman. Your form is fleeting, transient. And all happiness which you build in forms, in money, honours, human love, is fleeting. All formhappiness is a “ray” that cometh from the Light only to depart. From form to form you migrate in search of the true sukkah, the bliss that you never have in things of the earth.

Your sukkha is in communion with the Parama Purusha, the Self that is eternal and abiding.