Working from home is no longer a privilege but a necessity. Owing to the coronavirus pandemic and the need for self-isolation, millions of working professionals around the globe have made the transition to working from home. But this new normal has posed serious and unusual challenges for many, which are directly impacting their productivity and mental wellbeing.

On the surface, working from home has several benefits: flexible working hours, the comfort of your home, no commuting, more time in hand. But on a deeper level, working from home can become challenging as the line separating professional and personal life begins to disappear. People are putting in long hours to be “more productive”, which makes them susceptible to mental exhaustion and eventual burnout. What’s missing is a quintessential work-life balance to give your mind enough time to unwind. The balance will come on its own once you have figured out when to work and when to relax. In this feature, Soulveda explores key measures that will help you redraw the line separating your work and personal life, and avoid burnout while working from home.

Readjust your expectations

Our efficiency and productivity levels are quite different when we work from home as compared to working from the office. At the office, we are surrounded by distractions, which are beyond our control. Unplanned meetings with your team; phone calls to answer; a bunch of extra emails to respond to; a casual chat with a colleague passing by your desk—distractions are endless. But at the end of the day, you need to make it up for the lost time. At home, however, your environment is under your control and so are the distractions. You have more time and better focus to finish your tasks well in advance when working from home.

Keeping this in mind, readjust your expectations. You don’t have to do more than what you need to do. Plan your days well; spread your tasks evenly. Keep your weekdays and weekends separate, unless there is an urgent requirement. And if your work is getting done in lesser time, don’t take up extra assignments. Keep some time off for yourself as well. Do something you enjoy doing to loosen up and relax.

An hour of dedicated workout or yoga is the best way to keep your body and mind healthy.

Put an end to procrastination

When your bedroom is also your workspace, procrastination will always find you. Procrastination can disrupt your work-life balance and force you to work for longer hours. You will feel more tired and exhausted, as your brain will remain active for more than it should be.

One way to avoid procrastination and burnout is to find a dedicated workspace that is not your bedroom. Make a routine and stick to it. Say no to all distractions coming in the way of your work. Set goals and timelines to achieve them. This will keep you focused and motivated.

Stretch and reconnect

If you sit in front of your laptop for long hours, you are likely to feel more stressed and weary. Not stretching out your muscles or taking short breaks to unwind is the biggest reason for burnout. So when you are planning your day, make time for such short breaks as well. Do some stretching to loosen up your muscles. It’s like a nap for your mind.

Physical exercise to keep the body and the mind fit

A healthy and calm mind is the best way to avoid burnout. And to keep your mind fit, you need to take care of your physical wellbeing. An hour of dedicated workout or yoga is the best way to keep your body and mind healthy. Indulging in physical activities can help you cope with stress and ward off burnout.

The therapeutic touch of music

Music is like a time machine that can take your mind to a whole new world in an instant. But music not just gives wings to your imagination or uplifts your mood, it can heal your mind as well. have linked music with better productivity and mental health. Perhaps, for this reason, many people tend to play soothing music or nature sound in the background. If you haven’t tried this before, try now. You will feel calmer and relaxed even during the hectic hours of the day.

Plan your day in advance

One of the main reasons we stress at work is because of the lack of planning. When we plan our entire day according to the priority of each task, we get an understanding of how our timelines look for the day. Planning your day will help you not only finish your tasks on time but make room for recreational activities as well.

Your entire day rests on how well your day is planned. Especially, when you are under lockdown and have chores and personal responsibilities to attend to. Plan for the coming week, just like you plan for your day. It will add clarity to your schedule and dispel unexpected stress and burnout.


What is the main challenge faced by people while working from home?

The main challenge faced by people while working from home is the blurring of the line separating professional and personal life, which can lead to mental exhaustion and burnout.

What are the key measures suggested to avoid work from home burnout?

Putting an end to procrastination, taking short breaks to stretch and unwind, engaging in physical exercise or yoga, enjoying the therapeutic touch of music, and planning the day in advance to balance work and personal activities.

How can physical exercise help in avoiding burnout while working from home?

Engaging in physical exercise or yoga can keep the body and mind healthy, helping to cope with stress and avoid burnout while working from home.

What is the significance of planning the day in advance?

Planning the day in advance helps in understanding the priority of each task and creating a clear schedule that includes both work and recreational activities, reducing stress and the risk of burnout.