Do you go through the Monday morning blues? I sure get them every now and then. I have always wanted a dedicated holiday for sincere souls that work hard throughout the year. Thankfully, we do have such a day–it’s called the May Day and is celebrated on May 1st, every year. Interestingly, this time around, May 1st falls on a Monday. The thought of staying at home, without rushing off to work, makes me immensely happy.

Logically speaking, work isn’t that unpleasant. After all, it is just a bunch of duties to be carried out. We head to an office or sit at home and get a set of tasks done. In return, we get paid at the end of the month. It certainly is a fair deal. So, why do we dread going to work? Three of the Most Common Reasons People Quit their Jobs, a study conducted by Fortune, states bosses as the number one reason, followed by poor work-life balance. The third reason is when one is a misfit for the job.

The harsh truth is that a good majority of us are clueless about what we want to do in life. Most of us are unaware of our true calling.

I can personally relate to the third reason well. Having been placed in a top IT firm right after graduation, I believed my life was sorted. But my happiness was short-lived. Soon, I realised that it was not my cup of tea. Though I was satisfied with my income and appraisal, I did not particularly enjoy the job. It was just the monetary rewards and appreciation that kept me going, despite my qualms.

Like me, many take the career path of least resistance or choose one that is considered prestigious by the society. The harsh truth is that a good majority of us are clueless about what we want to do in life. Most of us are unaware of our true calling. Television host Oprah Winfrey once said: “I believe there’s a calling for all of us. I know that every human being has value and purpose. The real work of our lives is to become aware. And awakened. To answer the call.”

Some are lucky that way. They manage to figure out their life’s destiny. For instance, in the novel Atlas Shrugged, the protagonist Dagny Taggart knew she wanted to run a railroad when she was 12. Howard Roark from the novel The Fountainhead knew he was born to be an architect.

Not all of us have it easy like Taggart and Roark. Let’s face it. Discovering our true calling might involve several detours. Take Santiago, the protagonist of The Alchemist. While on a journey to find the treasures of Egyptian pyramids, he found himself in an unexpected role. From a shepherd, he’d turned into a crystal merchant. However, Santiago found meaning as a merchant, and he carried out his duties with enthusiasm. In the end, both the roles became part of a universal plan to help him find the treasures.

Perhaps, like Santiago, it is good to be open-minded and live out diverse experiences while on the journey of self-discovery. After quitting my job, I started experimenting. Being a music composer and a lyricist, I enrolled myself in a music production course. Parallelly, my love for English drew me towards writing. Eventually, an entrepreneurial streak surfaced in me and I went on to pursue a masters in marketing. And still, I have not figured out the purpose of my life. But my diverse experiences have certainly provided me useful clues to map my destiny.

Though finding meaning in what we do increases work satisfaction and keeps us happy, research shows that workers who pursue their calling are most content.

Often, we may not appreciate the importance of such detours right away. But we may eventually understand their purpose, no matter how remotely they might be related to our true calling. Celebrating the positive aspects of all the detours we take in life can go a long way in keeping us happy. The jobs we do need not be our true calling, but they still have a rightful place in our destiny.

Work could mean different things to different people. For some, work is simply a means to provide for family. For others, work is all about being able to advance oneself and be the best at whatever they do. Some find satisfaction in a suitable work culture, no matter the job. In fact, a 2010 research on organisational behaviour by Montana State University shows that realising the importance of work and the difference it makes in our lives increases motivation and personal fulfilment.

Though finding meaning in what we do increases work satisfaction and keeps us happy, research shows that workers who pursue their calling are most content. In a case study published by the American Psychology Association, Professor Stuart Bunderson explores the work life of American zookeepers. According to his findings, many graduates choose to intern pro bono at zoos, despite being eligible for a plethora of career opportunities. In fact, they continue to intern there until a full-time position opens up, despite their meagre income, he finds. Clearly, these zookeepers’ love for animals runs deep. They are happy to have found their calling.

Indeed, a calling makes any job we do more personal. After all, if we are aware we were born to do something, we would rather not walk away from it. There are some amongst us, who are content with their jobs because they make a living out of their true calling. Shashank Shukla, a friend of mine, quit his engineering career midway to pursue his passion for gardening. He slogs day in and day out, in dirt and mud, tending to plants.

Once, I casually enquired Shashank about his work. He replied with nonchalance that he doesn’t “work”. Indeed, he is among the few who get paid for a hobby! My friend’s outlook reminded me of a quote by the American musician Marc Anthony: “If you do something you love, you do not have to work a day in your life.” It is true, isn’t it?

Perhaps, every day is a Sunday when we love what we do.


What is the concept of “Monday morning blues”?

It refers to the feeling of sadness or lack of motivation that some people experience at the beginning of the workweek.

What are the common reasons people dread going to work?

Bosses, poor work-life balance, bad colleagues, and being a misfit for the job are some common reasons for people dread going to work.

How can individuals discover their true calling or purpose in life?

Being open-minded, trying diverse experiences, and paying attention to clues along the way can help in discovering one’s true calling.

Why are workers who pursue their calling more content?

Finding meaning in what they do increases work satisfaction and overall happiness.