Picture this. You have to pitch a business idea to your senior management. You stride in 15 minutes late, interrupt your boss, and pay no attention to your colleagues’ inputs while imposing your ideas on everyone. Although you may impress some, your unabashed behaviour can label you as an arrogant person.

Your exaggerated sense of importance or abilities can not only affect your work but also portray you as a narcissist and know-it-all. Arrogance creeps in when someone’s perceived status or success leads them to behave as if they are superior to others.

Confidence, on the other hand, is a feeling of self-assurance and self-worth that comes from appreciating your abilities. When you meet a confident person, you instantly know you can approach them. They are the sort of people who can draw attention without raising their voices. Confidence is attached to reality, and a confident person will back their words with their actions.

The secret to success is identifying the thin line that separates arrogance and confidence, which can be hard to distinguish. No matter how many milestones you have crossed in life, it is important to be respectful, honest, and humble in your conduct. Your strength of character plays a vital role irrespective of whether you are at the top of your game or are just breaking in.

Here are a few points to remember if you want to be confident without coming across as arrogant.

Think before you speak

English physician and author Thomas Browne said, “Think before you act; think twice before you speak.” This means that the words you speak can impact how people perceive you. Using a condescending tone, making snide remarks, bragging, and talking over people are signs of arrogance. On the other extreme, self-deprecating words and reticence undermine your skills and abilities and show a lack of confidence. Therefore, confident people always weigh their words before they speak. They are sincere, open-minded, and know-how to build rapport while interacting with others.

Be humble

That thin line between arrogance and confidence we talked about earlier is humility. Since arrogance stems from a deep sense of insecurity, an arrogant person cannot share success or help others and stay humble while doing so. If you are the leader of a team that is praised for a job done well, be humble, share it with your team members, and give them due credit for their contributions. Acknowledging the role of others in your success is a solid way to display confidence.

Be a good listener

Since arrogant people are mostly concerned about themselves, they are not really listening to you. Not only do they constantly try to be the smartest person in the room, they often interrupt others and undermine their points of view. On the other hand, truly confident people know that by actively listening and paying attention to what others are saying, they are more likely to learn and grow. They respect different perspectives and encourage dialogue, thus building positive relationships based on mutual respect and trust.

Know your strengths

A confident person’s secret to success is self-awareness and identifying their strengths based on their skills and talents. They do not minimise their achievements to come across as humble and always seek to capitalise on their strong points to achieve goals. They have faith in their abilities and help themselves and others reach their potential. Arrogance, on the other hand, is based on an over-estimation of one’s strengths and the constant need to one-up the next person. An arrogant person has a difficult time self-reflecting and is unwilling to share their skills and knowledge to collaborate with others.

Accept when you are wrong

Confident people are usually not afraid to innovate and take risks. Even if they are proven wrong, they don’t hesitate to admit their mistake and accept feedback. They display high levels of emotional intelligence and do not try to shift the blame on others. They are always their true and authentic selves, even in the face of failure. This is what separates them from arrogant people, who think they are always right. They feel their ego and reputation will be diminished by admitting, even to themselves, that they are wrong.

Ask for help

One of the most common reasons why arrogant people are afraid to ask for help is because they see it as a sign of weakness. They don’t want to accept their limitations and are unwilling to learn from others. Meanwhile, confident people know that asking for help won’t make them small or insignificant. They surround themselves with people they can reach out to when they need help outside their area of expertise or just to seek opinions on their thoughts and ideas.


What is the difference between confidence and arrogance?

Confidence is a positive self-assurance that comes from a belief in one’s abilities and qualities. Arrogance, on the other hand, involves an excessive belief in one’s superiority.

How can I build confidence without coming across as arrogant?

Building confidence without being arrogant involves practicing humility and empathy. Acknowledge your strengths and achievements while also valuing the opinions and contributions of others. Listen actively and treat everyone with respect.

What role does self-awareness play in being confidently humble?

Self-awareness is crucial in maintaining a balance between confidence and humility. Being aware of your limitations while striving for improvement helps you exude confidence.