Expressing our feelings can be hard. It can be even more challenging for children because they often do  not have the right words to describe how they feel. Art therapies play an important role here—they provide a way for children to show their emotions through drawing, painting and other creative activities.

World Art Day is celebrated on April 15th every year to promote creative activities and highlight the importance of art in our lives. On this wonderful day, join us as we explore the importance of art and share some art therapies that can help children express themselves freely, improving their mental and emotional health.

Colouring all emotions

We all enjoy colouring. Colouring is a simple form of art therapy that can be great for children’s mental and emotional wellbeing. It has been seen that kids can improve their attention by actively engaging in colouring activities. It can also reduce stress and anxiety levels and offer them a calming and relaxing feeling. Choosing colours and filling spaces with them encourages self-expression and enables children to explore their emotions safely and enjoyably.

Doodling towards happiness

Doodling is a spontaneous art activity that offers children a creative outlet to express their feelings and thoughts. Doodles or simple drawings can reveal a lot about a child’s emotions and inner world. This simple, fuss-free technique is known to  improve concentration and can be therapeutic too since it promotes relaxation. It allows children to freely express themselves without judgement, thus building their self-confidence.

Kneading, playing with clay

There’s something inherently soothing about shaping and moulding clay with our bare hands, right? Working with clay offers a hands-on and therapeutic experience for children too. Clay-led activities let kids express themselves freely by allowing them to sculpt and shape the way they like. Clay therapy boosts creativity, helps kids focus and improves their ability to express what they are feeling. It allows children to connect with their emotions and surroundings, providing them with a calming and grounding effect.

Drawing away to glory

Drawing is a form of art therapy that can help children process and communicate their emotions well. Through drawing, children can express their feelings and experiences properly. Drawing all kinds of things, be it sceneries or objects, encourages and leads children to think creatively and gain a deeper understanding of their emotions. Drawing also helps them cope with their feelings more effectively.

Dancing with gay abandon

Have you ever noticed how dancing can instantly cheer you up? A study published in the Journal of Applied Gerontology in 2018 investigated the effects of dance therapy on stress reduction. The study found that dance movement therapy reduced stress levels and improved mood in the participants.

Indeed, dance is a lively and expressive form of art therapy that can be extremely beneficial for children. It can help them release built-up energy, lower stress and manage their emotions better. By dancing, children not only stay physically active but also express their feelings freely through movement.

Painting a dream

Painting offers children a more detailed form of artistic expression, allowing them to explore colours, shapes and textures. Painting can be a therapeutic experience for children, enabling them to communicate emotions and experiences through visual storytelling. This form of art therapy encourages them to express themselves creatively, build self-awareness and develop problem-solving skills. Painting also provides a sense of accomplishment and promotes mental wellbeing.

Musically yours

Music has a unique way of touching our hearts and instantly lifting our spirits. In music therapy, children listen to, create or play music and that helps them feel better emotionally and mentally. Music brings out various feelings and memories in people, making it a powerful way for younger humans to express themselves.

Interestingly, participating in music therapy can help kids feel less anxious and improve their moods too. It  provides an outlet for children to explore and understand their emotions better.

Fun with finger painting

Finger painting is a fun and hands-on art activity for children of all ages. It helps them explore their senses and feelings through touch. This activity is calming for kids and helps them express themselves well. Finger painting also improves their hand coordination and lets them be creative, consequently boosting their happiness and confidence.

Art therapies offer opportunities galore for children to explore, express and process their emotions in a safe and creative environment. Whether it’s through colouring, drawing, painting or engaging in music and dance, these art-based activities can significantly enhance children’s mental and emotional wellbeing.  So opt for one of these activities and watch your child bloom into the talented flower they inherently are.


What is art therapy for children?

Art therapy for children involves using various art forms like drawing, painting, music, dance and clay work to help them express and process their emotions.

What is the benefit of music therapy for children?

Music has the power to evoke emotions and memories in people. It also reduces anxiety, enhances mood and improves overall mental health.

How does dance therapy benefit children?

Dance therapy encourages children to move their bodies freely to music. Dancing also helps kids release pent-up energy and reduce any stress they are feeling.

What is the significance of working with clay in art therapy?

Clay therapy allows children to connect with their emotions and physical sensations through the process of sculpting and shaping. It provides them with a grounding and calming effect.