7 ways to cope with social anxiety at work

Social anxiety can make it difficult to thrive in a work environment, speak up during meetings and have conversations with co-workers. But there are ways to cope with it. Managing social anxiety takes time and practice, so be patient and gentle with yourself.

We all suffer from a little bit of anxiety. It is normal to feel nervous in certain social situations, such as while giving a presentation, going on a date or meeting your boss. But if you are suffering from a social anxiety disorder, even everyday interactions can cause significant self-consciousness, fear and embarrassment as you feel scrutinised negatively by others.

Around one in ten people are said to suffer from social phobia. Less than 25% of those who suffer from social phobia are estimated to obtain adequate care. The development of social phobia often happens throughout adolescence and can sometimes happen even before the age of 10.

So for many among us, the idea of working in an office can be a source of stress and anxiety. Whether it’s due to being surrounded by unfamiliar faces at first or having to interact with colleagues constantly, social anxiety can make it difficult for us to perform our tasks.

If you are someone who suffers from social anxiety, the thought of going to work can be daunting. The good news is that there are things you can do to manage your social anxiety at work and make the most of your career. Soulveda shares 7 tips to help you manage social anxiety at work.

Understand your social anxiety

The first step to managing your social anxiety at work is to understand what it is and how it manifests itself. Social anxiety is characterised by a fear of social situations, particularly those in which you may feel judged or evaluated by others. This can manifest itself in many ways, such as feeling anxious about attending work events or networking functions, being afraid to speak up in meetings or avoiding interactions with colleagues altogether.

Once you understand what type of social anxiety makes you struggle, it’s important then to identify the situations or people that triggerit. This will help you to be better prepared when faced with these triggers and allow you to develop coping mechanisms. It can also be helpful to have someone at work who understands your social anxiety and can provide support when needed. This could be a colleague, your supervisor or even a therapist or coach. Having someone to talk to about your struggles can make a big difference in how well you’re able to cope with social anxiety at work.

Recognise your triggers and find ways to respond

If you’re someone who struggles with social anxiety, the workplace can be a particularly challenging environment. There are many demands placed on us in the workplace, and it can be difficult to always meet those expectations, especially when we are feeling anxious. However, there are some things we can do to manage it.

Start by recognising your triggers. Once you know what sets off your anxiety, you can start to find ways to respond to it. For example, if public speaking is a trigger for you, try to find ways to prepare ahead of time so that you feel more confident when the time comes. If networking is another trigger, consider attending events with people you already know or reaching out to new contacts online before meeting them in person. By taking small steps like these, you can start to feel more comfortable in the workplace and less anxious overall.

Set reasonable boundaries and practice self-care

It can be difficult to feel comfortable and confident in a work setting, especially if one suffers from social anxiety. However as most of us need to have jobs and earn a livelihood, there are things we must try and do to help manage our anxiety and make the workplace a more positive environment for us.

For instance, if you feel like you’re being bombarded with too much social interaction, set limits with your co-workers. Let them know how much interaction you’re comfortable with on a daily basis and stick to those limits.

In addition to this, practice self-care. Taking care of yourself is crucial when managing any anxiety. Make sure to schedule time for relaxation and activities that make you happy outside of work. This will help reduce stress and allow you to approach your work day with a more positive outlook.

If your anxiety is starting to impact your work performance or causing you significant distress, it may be time to seek out professional help. A therapist can provide you with tools and strategies to better cope with your anxiety and improve your overall wellbeing.

Utilise relaxation techniques

When it comes to managing social anxiety at work, one of the best things you can do is utilise relaxation techniques. One can do this while at work also. Just take a few minutes away from everyone to practise one of these techniques to calm nerves and ease anxiety.

There are a variety of different relaxation techniques that you can use, so find one that works best for you and make sure to practice it regularly. Some popular relaxation techniques include deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation and visualisation.

Talk to someone you trust about your feelings

If you’re feeling overwhelmed and know that its social anxiety at work that is causing it, it’s important to talk to someone you trust about your feelings. This could be a friend, family member, therapist or even a co-worker. Talking openly about what you’re experiencing can help you feel less alone and more supported.

Above all, remember that everyone experiences anxiety in different ways, and there is no one correct way to manage it. What works for one person might not work for another. So don’t be afraid to experiment until you find what works best for you. Talking to someone is one of the easiest ways to start addressing the issue.

Increase your confidence through positive self-talk

Most people with social anxiety feel shy, anxious or scared in social situations. They often worry about being the centre of attention, being judged or criticised by others or even feel embarrassed in certain situations. They may avoid social events altogether which can make it difficult to advance in their careers.

While it’s perfectly normal to feel some nerves before a big presentation or meeting, for people with social anxiety, these feelings can be much more intense. If you are among them, you may benefit from learning how to manage your anxiety and increase your confidence through positive self-talk. It is an with the self refocus, be mindful,

Create healthy habits and routines

If you’re someone who struggles with social anxiety, it can be tough to manage your condition while also trying to succeed at work. By creating healthy habits and routines, one can cope with social anxiety quite well. This includes talking to your boss or your company’s human resource department about your anxiety. They may be able to accommodate you with a more private workspace or flexible hours.

In addition, make sure you’re taking care of yourself outside of work. Eat healthy, exercise and get enough sleep. Practice deep breathing exercises or meditation before heading to work. This can help you relax and focus on the task at hand.

You can also try to socialise with a few colleagues during lunch or coffee breaks daily instead of trying to do so in large group settings during special events. This will allow you to ease into social situations and build confidence.

However if you start feeling anxious during work, take a break and step away from the situation for a few minutes. Go for a walk, listen to calming music, or do something else that helps you relax. that leads one to excel and see what helps you.