Sometimes life feels like driving across a steep hill in heavy rain, late at night. You can barely see what’s ahead. Every turn is sharp and the roads are slippery. You are afraid that you might hit someone, lose control or run out of fuel. Your eyes are glued to the road but your mind is thinking about the dawn. You check your wristwatch and it is still a couple of hours before the first light. Until then you have to keep driving, slowly and steadily to safely arrive at your destination.

In life, when the going gets tough, our mistakes, setbacks, fears, confusion, and negativity remind us of the same rainy, treacherous night full of uncertainties. We pray for the light of hope at the end of the dark tunnel. In times such as these, we need to recall the lessons we have learned in life that could act as a guiding light illuminating the dark corridors.

We learn plenty of life lessons, either on our own or through others, and sometimes through incidents and experiences. Although we know the importance of taking precautions and remembering certain life lessons, how often do we follow them to a T? The habit of forgetting what we have learned is the biggest reason why, during life’s challenges, we are sometimes unable to rise immediately after falling. But those who remember what they have learned in life don’t go down easily. Their spirit and conviction remain strong. In the end, it all boils down to remembering the life lessons that can help you achieve success.

Here is a list of life lessons we may have forgotten, but shouldn’t have.

Focus on things you can control

Can we control the weather? Can we stop the traffic light from turning red? No, we can’t. Countless things are beyond our control, but we often forget about this reality, which eventually leads to disappointments and heartaches. This truth of life is not the evidence of our vulnerability or powerlessness but a reminder to focus on things we can control. As long as we focus on what we can do, we won’t be affected by what we can’t do.

Keep calm when you are angry

Religious leader and author Thomas S Monson once said, “Anger doesn’t solve anything. It builds nothing, but it can destroy everything.” We all know how perilous anger can be, but how often do we remember not to lose our calm in a fit of anger? Anger is the main culprit behind many broken relationships, bad decisions, and regrets. But by the time we realise what we did and what we should have done instead, it’s already too late.

When feelings of anger begin to torment you, remind yourself to take a pause and then a few deep breaths. Remove yourself from the situation and try not to act on your impulses. Let the moment pass. When the dust settles, address the situation at hand, and keep your emotions in check to make wise decisions. Analyse the triggers that made you angry and what you could do to prevent them in future situations.

Listening is as important as talking

We all learned the importance of listening while at school, at university or at home. Yet, as we grow up, we often tend to forget this important trait. During conversations, we often get distracted by our thoughts. Sometimes, our preconceived opinions or prejudices act as the wall between the speaker and us. Other times, we are just too tired to listen. This unwillingness to listen is the reason why we don’t really connect with people. Listening to individuals helps us understand their emotions and even read between the lines. That’s why whether it’s at your workplace or home, the skill of listening is important to foster strong relationships. Without developing good listening skills, it’s not possible to create healthy conversations and healthy relationships.

Count your blessings

Sometimes, in the race of life, we get so involved and preoccupied chasing our responsibilities that we forget to count our blessings. For this reason, we often let stress and our fears take over and wreck our wellbeing. If we are grateful for what we have, we won’t get affected by failures and things we don’t possess. All we need to do is remind ourselves that life in itself is a precious gift and we ought to treat it like one. We should enjoy every moment, and most importantly, we shouldn’t take life for granted.

Be kind to others

“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted,” Aesop.

These words by the Greek fabulist and storyteller perfectly capture the power of kindness. When we are kind to others, we contribute to their happiness and emotional wellbeing. A simple act of kindness can bring a smile to a stranger and opens the door to new relationships and friendships that can enrich both your lives. The most powerful aspect of kindness is that it’s contagious. It spreads like a light of hope that touches the lives of people beyond their caste, colour or religion. It is one force that can bring the whole world together.

You are unique and so are others

Many people spend their lives trying to be someone they are not. They compare themselves with those they assume are happier and more successful in life. This is the biggest cause of unhappiness and low self-esteem. It’s important to remember that we are unique and special in our own beautiful ways. And the only person we should compare ourselves to is who we were yesterday. Nothing else should matter.

Good things come to those who wait

In life, it’s important to have patience, for all good things come to those who wait. But what is patience exactly? In her book, Battlefield of the Mind: Winning the Battle in Your Mind, Joyce Meyer wrote, “Patience is not the ability to wait but the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting.” A positive attitude is important because it gives us assurance that good things will happen, come what may. We just need to stay positive and determined to keep moving forward until we arrive at the destination.

Take care of your health   

There is no denying that our health is the most important thing in our lives. Yet, we take it for granted. We often eat and drink mindlessly without giving any second thought to what we are consuming. During our youth, we seldom see our bad habits taking a toll on our lives. But as we grow older, our bad habits catch up with us, haunting us with physical and mental illnesses. Entrepreneur and motivational speaker Jim Rohn once said, “Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.” So, follow his advice and start taking care of your health today to reap a lifetime of benefits.


Why do we often forget the life lessons we’ve learned?

The habit of forgetting life lessons is common, and it can hinder our ability to rise after falling during life’s challenges. Remembering these lessons is crucial to maintaining a strong spirit and conviction during difficult times.

How can listening be beneficial in fostering strong relationships?

Listening is essential in understanding others’ emotions and connecting with them on a deeper level. Developing good listening skills allows for healthy conversations and stronger relationships at work and home.

What is the significance of practicing kindness towards others?

Kindness has a powerful impact on others’ happiness and emotional well-being. It can foster new relationships and friendships.

Why is comparing oneself to others a cause of unhappiness and low self-esteem?

Comparing oneself to others who seem happier or more successful can lead to unhappiness and a sense of inadequacy