Most of us know what works for us, but we still find ourselves struggling to ‘just go and do it’. Feeling demotivated at times is the most natural feeling. In a single day, you may find yourself brimming with ideas and zeal at particular moments; at other times, you may be drained and not at your creative best. However, if you find yourself not rising up to the occasion consistently, it may be  time to ponder if you have lost a little grasp on finding meaning in life.

Remaining motivated in life may prove to be beneficial at this juncture.   Learning to take one step at a time ensures fulfilment and happiness. This is what keeps us motivated in life. Finding meaning in daily actions will keep us cruising ahead with motivation.

Unless you get the drive to do something above and beyond the usual, you cannot expect to climb the ladder of growth. So not being sufficiently motivated can be a huge dampener for you and those around. It not only impacts your mental state, creating stress and anxiety, there are physical manifestations too. You feel lethargic, and develop the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and other stress related disorders. There are social and even financial ramifications of the same. Not being sufficiently motivated may alienate you from your network and the loss of productivity can even lead to financial losses.

Soulveda lists 10 things to do to find meaning in life and be motivated to live cheerfully.

Setting realistic goals

While creating a life of meaning, it is imperative to set goals. But if we keep the bar too high, it leads to despair kicking in once the expectations are not met. This  hampers progress, as not being able to attain those goals leads to a negative mindset and subsequently leads to demotivation. While chasing excellence is a positive approach to life, choosing to do so from the available resources is a practical way of setting realistic goals.

Overcoming fear of failure

Whenever you set out to find meaning in life, prepare yourself to face some amount of failure. In fact, there will certainly be failure in the path to success. But once we overcome the fear of failure, we lead a happier life, where we accept the possible downward spirals with grace.

Overcoming the fear of failure also makes us a confident person who  embraces their interests with full gusto.

Do what you love

A life of meaning is possible only when you do what you love, whether it is your vocation, relationships or social causes. This applies to your near and dear ones too – if swimming is what your child loves, there should not be a compulsion for him to do well in soccer too. Regular swimming sessions will make him shine in his pursuit, apart from the immense satisfaction you will get as a parent.

Doing what we love eventually reaps good results. It also ensures that we continue to put our best foot forward when we take action. Choosing what we love gives us fulfilment and contentment, driving us constructively towards having great meaning in life. We remain motivated, striving to achieve more with each milestone reached.

Learning and growing each day

Learning is an everyday process. We do not stop learning once we finish our education. In fact, each stumbling block becomes a stepping stone to learning something new, which steers us towards making our life more meaningful. Learning each day also keeps us agile, fulfilled and motivated to learn even more. We evolve as a person by learning something new daily.

Starting to bake even when we have crossed our 50s or beginning to write when we have amassed a plethora of experiences are signs of growth and learning. When we live each day with enthusiasm and motivation, we also create a meaningful life by learning each moment, each day.

Your life journey is unique

How you chart your way ahead is a journey which is totally unique. It cannot be compared with that of your best friend, sibling or even parent. In spite of shared journeys and similar experiences and traits, each of us live the most unique life path.

Our meaning in life and its fulfilment will always be different from any other person. Once we set on a trail of comparison, demotivation creeps in. But when we realise that each of us reach milestones at our own pace, our motivation levels remain high.

You may like to spend your leisure time in a nature park whereas your bunch of friends may be letting their hair down at a club. The sense of finding happiness and satiety is unique to each one of us and is linked to our meaning in life.

Find a like-minded circle

With which person do you like to drink your coffee? With whom does the conversation flow? Spending time with like-minded people aligns with finding meaning in life. It impacts your growth while you imbibe new ideas and traits from people who share similar interests and thinking patterns. Further, it motivates you to hone your skills and pursue a meaningful life ahead.

Check energy-drainers

Keeping yourself focused when there are distractions galore, is a challenge. While you are pursuing a meaningful life, maintaining a laser-sharp focus and keeping the distractions at bay, is a priority. Mindfully, mute the energy and time drainers. This will help you remain glued to things from where you draw happiness. Energy drainers like social media and socialising with people who are not aligned with your sense of purpose must be kept outside your sphere without any guilt.

Seek inspiration at all times

Pursuing anything worthy requires sustained motivation. You may be the only ‘one’ in a crowd following the road less travelled. To keep your journey alive and kicking, draw inspiration from legends and extraordinary success stories of ordinary people who did not quit, no matter what. .

Keep your eyes and ears open to inspiring stories. If you are a book afficionado, read different types of books regularly to widen your horizons and let the inspiration trickle in.

Reschedule your daily chart

To keep motivation levels high, keep reinventing your daily schedules. The pursuit may remain the same but a change of location or infusing relaxation and recreation will make you more productive. Sometimes, while pursuing our goals and purpose, we get so entangled in the grind that a fatigue sets in, dampening our spirit and dwindling our motivation levels. Adopting new routines, traveling to take a break and meeting and widening our circle helps add to our productivity.

Pat yourself

Do not forget to pat yourself on the back, even for the smallest accomplishments. You do not need to receive awards and accolades or any validation from others. While living a life of meaning, keep rewarding yourself when you cruise in the right direction. It could be a pep-talk to the self or a small treat in the form of your favourite food ordered in.

With the right motivation, one can lead a life where happiness, learning and fulfilment are interwoven to create a great impact. After all, we have but one life and we certainly want to spend it creatively and meaningfully to derive the most out of it.


Why is feeling motivated in life important?

Feeling motivated in life is essential as it drives personal growth and fulfillment. Motivation positively impacts mental and physical well-being, fosters confidence, and helps us overcome challenges.

How can setting realistic goals help in finding meaning in life?

Setting realistic goals is crucial in finding meaning in life as it prevents feelings of despair and negativity when expectations are not met.

What role does learning and growth play in finding meaning in life?

Learning and growth are integral to finding meaning in life. Embracing learning as an everyday process helps us evolve and face challenges with agility and enthusiasm.