Drinking water might just about be the most important task in our busy human lives. Hydration is, in fact, essential for our wellbeing. Yet in the whirlwind of daily life, the simple act of drinking water often takes a back seat.

Our bodies rely extensively on the intake of water to support essential everyday functions. Despite this, many of us inadvertently dance on the edge of dehydration. Engrossed in our routines, we overlook the body’s cues for replenishment. This not only affects our physical wellness but also compromises cognitive sharpness and our overall vigour.

So, to get on the health train, we must begin with hydration. And to do so, it’s important to acknowledge that hydration isn’t merely a routine but a foundation for human health and vitality. Join us as we explore the role of hydration in our mental health and wellbeing.

Understanding the significance of hydration

Water is not merely a thirst quencher; it sustains our very existence. Our bodies comprise around 60% water and rely on this precious resource for functions such as regulating body temperature and facilitating nutrient absorption and waste removal. This is why adequate hydration is crucial for all our organs to function well.

Yet, despite its paramount importance, many of us fall short of meeting our daily hydration needs, sometimes out of sheer laziness.

The daily water quota

The often-recommended eight glasses of water a day serves as a benchmark for maintaining adequate hydration. However, individual hydration needs of people vary based on factors such as body weight, activity level, climate and overall health.

Also, while water remains the primary source of hydration, other fluids and water-rich foods can contribute to our daily intake as well. Tea, coffee, fruits and vegetables, among others, supplement our hydration requirements too. Remember to strike a balance between these sources daily to ensure a well-hydrated body.

Signs of dehydration

You may not have put the two things together but often, fatigue, headaches, dizziness and dry mouth are signs of dehydration. More often than not, these symptoms go unnoticed or are brushed aside amidst our hectic routines. However, they serve as alarms, signalling an imbalance that requires immediate attention. Ignoring these signals not only impact your physical performance but also affect cognitive function, mood and overall wellbeing.

Cultivating hydration as a lifelong habit

Making hydration a priority demands conscious effort. It’s simple when we look at it in a well-arranged manner. When we  infuse our daily routines with mindful sips of water, we not only acknowledge its vital role in our wellbeing but take actual action towards it. Small yet significant steps, like carrying a reusable water bottle, setting reminders or infusing water with fruits and herbs for added flavour, can encourage consistent hydration among those who find it particularly hard to get into habits. In fact, embracing hydration as a lifestyle choice rather than a habit nurtures a healthier, more energised version of ourselves.

The significance of hydration is not limited to quenching thirst. It fuels our bodies, ensures optimal functioning and vitality, making us our most efficient selves. In simpler words, drinking healthy fluids regularly and prioritising hydration means nurturing our health and wellbeing!


How much water should I drink daily to stay adequately hydrated?

The recommended daily intake varies, but a general guideline is around eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day. However, individual hydration needs of people depend on factors like body weight, activity level and environmental conditions.

Can I rely on beverages other than water to meet my hydration needs?

Fluids like herbal teas, milk and fruit-infused water can contribute to overall hydration. Fruits and vegetables with high water content, such as watermelon and cucumbers, also play a role.

How can I tell if I’m dehydrated?

Symptoms like dry mouth, fatigue, headaches or dark urine can indicate dehydration or that you have not drunk enough water during the day.

Does hydration only affect physical health or includes mental wellbeing too?

Hydration impacts both physical and mental health. Dehydration can lead to cognitive impairment, affecting mood, concentration and overall mental clarity.