What are mental health benefirs of Walking ?

“Some old-fashioned things like fresh air and sunshine are hard to beat,” said Laura Ingalls Wilder, an acclaimed American writer. Catching the first rays of the sun while walking outdoors, listening to chirping birds, looking at blooming flowers and the dewy grass is a feast to all our senses. Nature walks are tonic for our mental and physical health. Whether you are a morning person or an evening soul, if you are a walking aficionado, you’ll know that nature walks can transform your mood, elevate your sense of wellbeing and bring a bouquet of benefits too.

If you are feeling the stress while chasing deadlines or working from home, simply step out to refresh yourself. Or if you are attending back to back meetings in your plush office and feeling drained, head to the nearest open space to take a breather. Walking outdoors rejuvenates our senses and brings energy. Daily brisk walking is also recommended for improving several bodily functions. If done in the woods or a green space, it can stimulate the mind as much as the body.

Soulveda suggests a few ways in which walking can benefit your mental and overall health.

Elevates mood

As one steps out of closed concrete spaces, the fresh air lifts one’s spirits. Long hours indoors leads to a buildup of fatigue, stress and anxiety. When one stays away from nature for too long, stress rises and moods tend to take a dip. Going outdoors for a walk helps get that much needed sunshine, increasing the level of vitamin D in your body and improving your mood.

When you are on a nature walk, it automatically eases symptoms of depression, making you energetic, fresh and relaxed. A study has found that people who exercise or just walk experience better mental health than people who work out indoors or inside a gym.

Breaks tired thought patterns

Being indoors for long periods leads to development of thoughts which keep hovering in the mind, slackening one’s productivity and reducing energy levels. However when one embarks on nature walks, such thoughts dissipate as one’s mind and senses start to appreciate the surrounding flora and fauna instead. 

Such is the diversity and curiosity of being one with nature that one  might get inquisitive about a pretty tree or shrub and further research about it even. Nature captivates, radiates beauty and positivity. 

Increases mindfulness

Whenever I step out for a walk in the neighbouring garden, I affirm to myself to keep work, relationships, chores out of my head. To my astonishment, after a while, everything disappears and the mind engages in the absolute beauty of the lush green grass, the tall and sturdy trees, green foliage and scores of birds, bees and butterflies hovering and the playful squirrels and chameleons having a field day. I truly start feeling one with nature. Nature with its myriad bounties in the form of greens, colourful flowers and fresh air has an amazing capability to hold your attention and enchant you with its beauty.  

Walks amidst nature teaches us to stay in the present moment. It is mindfulness at its best and leads to instant easing of our mind, bringing in a much needed calm and thus lowering of stress levels. 

Exercises mind and body alike

Regular exercise is required by the body to keep one’s physical and mental health in top-notch condition. Daily brisk walks help in maintaining optimum weight, good cardio-vascular health and keeps bones and muscles strong. Apart from providing energy, walking outdoors elevates your mood, cognition, memory and sleep. While we are outdoors, exposure to the sunlight strengthens the immune system, empowering our ability to fight off infections. 

While walking outdoors boosts physical health, it also leads to lowering of stress and worries. Just like any other form of exercise, regular walking releases endorphins, the feel good hormones, leading to a sense of elation. Nature walks adds to the happiness quotient because the brain feels calm, admiring and soaking in flora and fauna. 

Reinforces social connections

Benefits of walking are many, whether you prefer to walk alone or take along a walking partner. In fact, when you are outdoors, your mood elevates and that may sometimes translate into making new social connections. 

Talking and sharing views and feelings with others is an added benefit of walking which enhances your mental wellbeing. Good social connections lead to better mental health so step out and cherish nature and watch a 360 degree turn in your overall wellbeing. 


How walking outdoors boosts mental health?

Regular walking releases endorphins, the feel good hormones, leading to a sense of elation. Nature walks adds to the happiness quotient because the brain feels calm, admiring and soaking in flora and fauna.

Is exercising outdoors better than indoor exercising?

A study has found that people who exercise or simply walk experience better mental health than people who work out indoors or in a gym.

How walking helps you?

Daily brisk walking is recommended as it improves many bodily functions. If done outdoors, it stimulates the mind as much as the body.

What does nature walk do to you?

Whether you are a morning person or an evening soul, if you are a walking aficionado, nature walks can transform your mood, elevate your sense of wellbeing and bring a bouquet of benefits to you.