Does spirituality boosts you to be professionally successful - Brahmakumaris

How spirituality fuels my professional success

With its focus on controlling and ruling the mind, Rajayoga meditation really helps to turn the focus of mind towards the positive.

If you are a working mom working from home and have lots of professional responsibilities what is the one thing that you really need? Energy. Our mind is an impression box and the experience we have on a daily basis determines our thoughts and our emotions. It therefore impacts our mood on a short-term basis and creates attitude and habits over a longer term. Any negative experience impacts our mood and therefore saps our energy. Considering the world of VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity) that we are living in there is no dearth of fear and haste in the environment.

With its focus on controlling and ruling the mind, Rajayoga meditation really helps to turn the focus of mind towards the positive. By consciously engaging my mind in being a well-wisher and seeing good in others, I start my day on a positive note. I also visualize my whole day in morning and
therefore, stay focused throughout. At the same time, I also prioritize living in present which keeps my attention on right things and increases my accuracy.

As someone who considers myself as a trustee, I am not too worried about the uncertainties in the environment. I consider myself as a mere executor and let the Supreme power guide me on what’s the right thing to do. Rajayoga meditation also teaches us to maintain a daily record of our karma/conduct. This gives me a chance to reflect on my progress.

As a spiritual person, I go beyond the boundaries of caste, religion and nationality to see everyone as souls. This has really helped me considering I lead HR for a 1500 headcount organization. Having a spiritual bent of mind, also helps me in keeping others around me positive and encouraging them to focus on what they can do rather than fretting about things they cannot do. Being a spiritual person means leading a life where we are seeking perfection of our thoughts, words and actions. This goes well with my belief that I am a student and should become a better human being each day of my life.




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