We live in a world where everyone talks far too much! We talk excessively in public and in private. As a wise man said, “Men seem to feel the need to cloak and excuse their imperfections and wrong deeds in a mass of prattle.” We need to devote a few minutes each day to the healing, soothing, purifying influence of silence.

Silence is relaxation for the mind, even as rest is relaxation for the body. It should be our earnest effort, at least once a day, to escape from the stress, strain, tension and turmoil of life, and practice absolute silence. We can easily give up mindless activities like watching TV or gossiping with friends, to devote to the practice of silence.

Silence helps us commune with the inner self, silence enables us to discipline our petty, calculating intellect. Silence takes us close to God. In silence, we can feel our prayers reach Him and in perfectly held silence we may even hear His answers to our prayer!

It seems to me that many people today are terrified of silence, afraid of being alone. I know several couples who do not like to spend a quiet evening at home by themselves. They invite friends over, or go over to clubs or to restaurants so that they do not face solitude. I even know a few people in whose homes the TV is always switched on—even when no one is watching it! They tell me it is comforting to hear the sound from the TV!

Why are we afraid of solitude and silence? Possibly because we cannot bear to look deep within ourselves. This is why, many people say they don’t have time for silence or meditation. But they will realise, when they go deep within themselves, that the infinite is within—and we have nothing to fear!