Everyone one of us has longing, deep yearning, but the yearning is for material or physical objects. A girl longs for a boy and a boy longs for a girl. This longing becomes an obsession. Do we ever long for God as a lover yearns for his beloved? If we had such intense yearning then God himself would manifest and pour his divine love on us.

In the Bhagavad Gita Sri Krishna tells Arjuna: Patram, Pushpam, Phalam, Thoyam – a leaf, a flower, a fruit or a drop of water offered to me with deep devotion – I accept. Whatever you do or offer at the holy feet of the Lord, do it with intense feeling of love and devotion. God wants from us nothing but our love. Hence, kindle the fire of love within. Be awakened and you will reach the zenith of spirituality.

The sufi Saint Abu Hussan often said that God’s yearning to meet his beloved devotees is far stronger and more intense than the devotee’s longing for him. God’s longing for man is a thousand times greater than man’s longing for God. This is very true, for God is an ocean of love. And we are only a drop of love. If you love God and long for him, he too will love and long for you.

If it rains and you hold an umbrella to protect yourself you will not get wet by the rain. God’s love is like the rain. Unfortunately man holds the umbrella of worldly desires and is not able to receive the grace of God. But if you throw away the umbrella by remembering the Lord, you will surely receive his benedictions. Make God your best friend; make him your senior associate whenever you begin your work. Seek his support and blessings. When you are through with your allotted tasks, when you have completed the day’s work, do not forget to thank him. Above all, pray to him for constant memory of his name divine; and ask to be blessed with his remembrance always.