Your children need your love, above all else. The nature of the soul is love—and without love, no child can grow up in the right way. You must give them your time! You must try to sow in their plastic minds seeds of character, without which life can have no meaning or value. You must help them to grow in the love and fear of God.

I recall the story of a young man in France. Having committed a heinous crime, he was sentenced to hard labour for ten years. He received his sentence calmly. But as he was being led away by the police, he turned towards the people present in court and shouted aloud so that everyone could hear him: “I have nothing against the judges—for they have dealt with me justly. I have nothing against the police—for they have done their duty. However, I can never forgive two persons in this courtroom—my father and my mother!”

People listened to him, shocked beyond words, too stunned to react.

“They are responsible for my present condition,” he continued. “They paid no attention to my upbringing. They did not take care of the company I moved in; they never bothered to find out who my friends were. True, they gave me money to spend—but did not bother to find out what I spent it on. They did not object when I gambled, took to drinking and visited houses of ill-repute. And so here I am—full of vice and crime. The fault is theirs but I pay the price for it, sentenced to hard labour in prison, to be branded as a convict for life!”

Harsh words! But the young man’s bitterness cloaks the truth that many parents do not seem to realise their responsibilities towards children.

Children are your greatest treasure. Don’t get so busy gathering silver and gold, that you neglect your richest treasure! Your children need your time, attention and love—for without love and attention, no child can grow up in the right way.