If you wish to turn failure into success, if you wish to turn every obstacle into an opportunity, the conscious and the subconscious must cooperate with each other.

The conscious mind with which we are familiar, the conscious self that thinks, that feels, that takes decisions—this conscious self is a very tiny part of our consciousness. It is like the tip of an iceberg floating above water. The subconscious is much vaster. It is like a larger portion of an iceberg immersed inside the water.

But this subconscious cannot think for itself. It cannot decide what is right and what is wrong. It has no power of decision. If you believe that you cannot achieve something, if you believe that you cannot do something, if you believe that you cannot have something, the subconscious will take up your belief. Its job is only to see that it proves your beliefs. Whatever you believe in, your subconscious will create conditions, so that your beliefs are proved.

If you consciously paint a picture of yourself as a successful person, success will definitely come to you. But if you are convinced that you are a failure—even if you are placed in the best of circumstances, with the best of resources—you will fail! Such is the law. If you think of scarcity, scarcity will befall you. If you imagine abundance, abundance will flow into you.

The universe works like an echo. Whatever thoughts you think, will rebound on you. The picture that we paint of ourselves is assimilated by our subconscious.

The subconscious will immediately try to create those conditions to make your belief come true. But, if on the other hand you strongly believe that you cannot do a particular thing, that it is impossible for you to succeed, the subconscious will create conditions that will lead to your failure. The conscious and the subconscious must cooperate with each other to create success. Success is not produced only by the conscious self. It is done with the help of the subconscious. The subconscious is there to obey you. It is a very obedient servant who takes orders from his master. Its decisions are to be made by you. Its beliefs are to be programmed by you.