Unlike the human mind, the universe does not emit negative energies. Sunshine or rain, calm or storm, morning or night, the universe is always a storehouse of marvellous positive energy.

We have often heard of people saying, “I’ve been cooped up in my office all day, and I have a headache,” or “I’ve been pouring over my accounts for hours, and I’m exhausted.” Have you ever heard people complaining, “I’ve just come back from a walk and I feel drained out;” or “I have taken a stroll in the park and I am suffering from a headache?”

The positive forces of nature, the life-giving energy of this universe is meant to revive us, restore us to emotional and physical balance, and revive our flagging spirits. We must tap this energy if we wish to achieve the best that we are capable of.

Reverence for nature is essential. Reverence for nature will help us to survive on this planet. Reverence for nature will help us to preserve and protect this blessed earth for our children—and our children’s children.

Reverence is essential—reverence for our rivers and forests; reverence for our lakes and waterfalls; reverence for trees and plants and the grass that grows beneath our feet; reverence for birds and beasts, whom I love to call our younger brothers and sisters.

Gurudev Sadhu Vaswani spoke to us of the Prakriti Sangha—fellowship with nature—which he believed was essential to human happiness. There is a spiritual element in the beauty of nature, for Nature is God’s own expression in all its joy. It is the song, the dance of the Lord. Nature is truly the environment of the atman—the eternal soul within each human being.