There are people who focus their attention only on problems and difficulties. Tell them of your dreams and plans, and they will say, “no, no! It is impossible! It will never work.” They will point out all the drawbacks and weaknesses in your plan, and try their best to convince you that you cannot win. These are the people who can boast, “Bring me a solution and I will give you a problem!”

When people say to themselves again and again, ‘I am unhappy,’ ‘I am miserable,’ ‘People are against me,’ ‘Conditions are against me,’ ‘I am overwhelmed by my problems,’ and so on, they are gripped by a misery of their own making from which there can be no release except through their own effort. They imagine that they are injured beyond repair, and they simply cannot rise above their problems.

Instead, they must affirm to themselves, ‘I was born to be happy,’ ‘Happiness is my birthright,’ ‘God created me to be happy.’ As their conscious and unconscious thinking changes, conditions and people will also change miraculously. Thought by thought, step by step, as their minds change, the world will also change. And they will find satisfactory solutions to all their problems.

The truth is, there is no problem that does not have a solution. The man with the positive attitude thinks of the solution—while the man with the negative attitude only thinks of the problem. We need people who bring solutions to problems, not problems to solutions.

Be positive in your approach and you will find solutions to all your problems. The man with the positive attitude may be surrounded by adverse conditions, but he will look for a place to stand on; he will seek a solution; he will expect the best results; and he will invariably succeed. Remember, this is the great law of life. That, which you expect, always comes to you. Therefore, why not expect the very best? Expect success and you will achieve success!