Modern life and stress seem to go together. The way we live, the way we work, the way we talk, the way we function every day, contribute to the building up of stress. People rush about all the time, as though they were carrying the entire burden of the world upon their shoulders. People rush about, accumulating what they think they need—only to realise that they don’t need it at all. They resemble squirrels in a cage—running, running all the time—but getting nowhere.

We seem to be in a hurry all the time! It is not only when we are on our feet that we are hurrying; when we are seated, at rest, our minds are rushing somewhere or the other. We may be waiting in an outer office, waiting for an appointment with a doctor, waiting for an interview call—but we are hurrying, rushing our thoughts. This mental rush, this mental hurry is one of the main causes of tension.

We need to take it easy! Take it easy my brother! Take it easy, sister! There is a word which Spanish people use often. Whenever two Spaniards meet, they say to each other, “Tranquilo! Tranquilo!” Tranquilo means—take it easy! This is the message that all of us need today—Take it easy! Take it easy!

Haste and rashness are like storms and tempests which break and wreck people’s lives and their businesses. How much do we lose out on the little joys of life when we cannot walk, talk, think or listen slowly!