This single letter word has caused the downfall of many an empire. Although the letter looks insignificant and isolated and we may even feel sorry for it, yet this small word can carry such a huge weight of ego that can swipe and kill anything in its wrath.

It’s important to be aware of the ramifications of the letter “I” so that we are not deceived on this spiritual journey. Conquering the false “I” is one of the first and last things that a yogi must do. The world of trade and commerce revolves round defending and buttressing the existence of the physical “I”: fashion and design, stock markets, food industry, technology etc., each one of these calls out to the ego of body-consciousness by creating an atmosphere of competition, desire and fear, in which countless billions of dollars go down the drain.

Needless to say, very little attention is given to the development of the real “I”. Every time I use the word “I”, do I stop to consider which “I”, am I referring to? The word “I” is used to define the self—but which self are we referring to? Is it the one we see in the mirror, the “I” of the physical form, or the one I feel from inside, the soul, the real essence of who I am? On the spiritual journey, our aim is to dissolve the body conscious ego and turn it into pure, untainted self-respect. But that will only happen when I get to know myself as a soul—a being of light and might and virtues.

It’s an illusion to think that I am just this physical form of flesh and bone that will one-day turn to dust or ashes. To associate oneself with the physical “I” is the biggest mistake we have made in our lifetime. Many philosophers have spoken about the “ID” and the super ego. Raja Yoga simply speaks of our return to the pure I, the pure consciousness, and the pure essence. This is the state in which I re-discover myself as an original being, unique, and beautiful, irrespective of the colour of my “costume.”

Although we understand that we have to have our physicals needs met such as food and shelter—as described in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs—yet we continue to confuse the needs of the body with the greed in the soul. The false “I” is the mistaken belief that I am what I have (a body) or what I do (my roles in life). What we have forgotten is the life-force within the body that makes it all tick! This, in a way, it is similar to focusing on the fancy mobile phone but forgetting that it is useless if it is not charged! To make matters worse, we alternate the “I” with the “we”. This is a clever way of concealing the ego. We say that “we will do it”, when it’s really “I” that wants to do it and claim all the credit. It’s the false “I” of pretence; poor and false humility. Because the conscience knows it’s on an ego trip, the false “I” involves an accomplice in its desires, in order to appease itself. Saying “I”, from the heart and feeling the deep qualities of the self is quite different from focusing on the physical certificates of a profession or a socio-personal status. Wouldn’t the world be a different place if we related to each other through our qualities and not our status or profession?

I have forgotten that earlier when I used the real “I,” I was in fact the master of my senses; I was telling them what to do! But now I have become the slave, the five senses are my masters, telling me what to eat, see, touch, taste and smell sometimes against my better judgement.

The real “I” would not feel the need to compete or seek to defend itself against perceived threats from others.

With every thought that is created due to the pull of the senses, I become body conscious and with every thought based on my innate virtues of peace, love and truth, I am reinforcing soul-consciousness. With the world pulling our senses more and more, we have become accustomed to thinking that we are simply the body! The mind will believe whatever you tell it. As I lose sight of the truth of the soul, I also lose the power that goes with it, the unlimited nature of this power, and so start to believe that my power is limited to my physical body or the strength that results from position and status. Imagine a world where the “I” of the ego is replaced with the real “I” of true self-respect. The real “I” would not feel the need to compete or seek to defend itself against perceived threats from others. The real “I” would not feel the need to turn inner pain into aggression and violence towards others. It would not be at the mercy of its own emotions or the negative energies around it, but would indeed be the master of its own destiny.

The law of this world would be love and not fear. It’s time… to sit quiet, to play some soft music and to remind the self that I am a pure and peaceful being, a being of light and truth. I am the master of this body; I get in touch with my core, the purest part of myself that is untouched and uncoloured by the outside world. From my seat of self-respect, I can then tell my senses, who the Boss is!

By Aruna Ladva