Legend tells us that, one day, the devil announced that he had decided to go out of business and would sell his tools at a discounted price.

The tools were attractively displayed. They included self-love, egoism, sensuality, hatred, wrath, greed, envy, jealousy, passion for power, etc. There was, however, one tool which appeared to be much worn out. The devil was not prepared to part with it except at an exceedingly exorbitant price.

Someone asked him, “What is that?”

The devil answered, “That is discouragement and depression.”

“Why is it priced so high?”

“Because to me it has proved to be the most useful. When all other tools fail, I can, with this single tool, pry open the heart of man, and do my work. If only I succeed in making a man feel discouraged, disheartened, dejected, I can make him do what I like. I have used this tool almost on every man, that is why it is so much worn out.”

It has truly been said that the devil has two master tricks. One is to get us discouraged: then, for some time at least, we can be of no service to others; and so are defeated. The other is to make us doubt, thus breaking the faith link by which we are bound to God.

Look out! Do not be tricked either way!