Wake up with laughter

Wake up with laughter

"If you can laugh early in the morning you will laugh the whole day," writes Osho.

In a few Zen monasteries, every monk has to start his morning with a laughter and has to end his night with a laughter–the first thing and the last thing! You try it. It is very beautiful. It will look a little crazy because so many serious people are all around. They will not understand. If you are happy, they always ask why. The question is foolish! If you are sad, they never ask why. They take it for granted–if you are sad, it’s okay. Everybody is sad. What is new in it? Even if you want to tell them, they are not interested because they know all about it, they themselves are sad. So, what is the point of telling a long story? Cut it short!

But if you are laughing for no reason, then they become alert–something has gone wrong. This man seems to be a little crazy because only crazy people enjoy laughter; only in madhouses will you find crazy people laughing. This is unfortunate, but this is so.

It will be difficult, if you are a husband or a wife it will be difficult for you to suddenly laugh early in the morning. But try it–it pays tremendously. It is one of the most beautiful moods to get up with, to get out of the bed with. For no reason! Because there is no reason. Simply, you are again there, still alive–it is a miracle! It seems ridiculous! Why are you alive? And again, the world is there. Your wife is still snoring, and the same room, and the same house. In this constantly changing world–what Hindus call maya–at least for one night nothing has changed. Everything is there: you can hear the milkman and the traffic has started, and the same noises–it is worth laughing!

The moment you feel that sleep is gone, first start laughing, then open the eyes–and that will set a trend for the whole day.

One day you will not get into the morning. One day the milkman will knock at the door, the wife will be snoring, but you will not be there. One day, death will come. Before it knocks you down, have a good laugh–while there is time, have a good laugh.

And look at the whole ridiculousness: again, the same day starts; you have done the same things again and again for your whole life. Again, you will get into your slippers, rush to the bathroom–for what? Brushing your teeth, taking a shower–for what? Where are you going? Getting ready and nowhere to go! Dressing, rushing to the office–for what? Just to do the same thing again tomorrow?

Look at the whole ridiculousness of it–and have a good laugh. Don’t open your eyes. The moment you feel that sleep is gone, first start laughing, then open the eyes–and that will set a trend for the whole day. If you can laugh early in the morning you will laugh the whole day. You have created a chain effect; one thing leads to another. Laughter leads to more laughter.

Excerpted from A Sudden Clash of Thunder by Osho


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