Breaking the Cycle: Strategies to Get Rid of Bad Luck in Life

4 strategic ways to break cycle of perceived bad luck

Break the chain of perceived bad luck by rewriting your narrative and turning challenges into opportunities for growth and positivity.

Life at times feels like a bed of roses but the opposite is also true. We all tend to experience certain stretches in life where it feels like we are a part of a series of unfortunate events, that too on a loop. It feels as though a string of bad luck has settled in, making every step forward an uphill climb. These phases of repeated misfortune can leave us feeling disheartened and questioning the fairness of life.

Yet, it is within these moments that lies an opportunity for our transformation. In fact, by recognising and implementing specific techniques, it’s possible to break free from this cycle and welcome positivity into our lives. Join us as we explore four powerful strategies that can steer us away from the clutches of perceived bad luck and guide us towards a more positive and fulfilling journey.

Understanding patterns

Life often has phases where it may seem like only misfortune or bad luck is following us. These periods can comprise many challenges like personal setbacks and professional hurdles, creating an overwhelming sense of helplessness. And this may leave us feeling overwhelmed and unlucky, especially when compared to others around us.

The first step in breaking this cycle is recognising the patterns we have fallen in. Taking a moment to reflect on the recurring themes and circumstances contributing to this continuous bad luck can help immensely. Identifying these patterns provides clarity and helps redirect our focus towards making positive changes.

Shifting perspectives

In many cases, perceived bad luck is a result of a negative mindset that focuses solely on one’s setbacks and hurdles. For instance, not getting a promotion feels like we were rejected. But it can also be seen as a year to upskill and get better for a bigger promotion. Rather than dwelling on the misfortunes, it is important to consciously train the mind to seek the lessons within each challenge.

This change in perspective can be a tool for personal growth. By embracing an optimistic outlook, we can turn the perceived bad luck into opportunities for learning.

Cultivating resilience

Resilience is the foundation for overcoming any kind of perceived bad luck. We can cultivate resilience by nurturing self-care practices and maintaining emotional balance in the face of personal or professional upheavals. Having a supportive network of friends, family and mentors also helps in staying steady during challenges. Building resilience gives us the strength to bounce back from setbacks, face adversity and transform challenges into stepping stones towards personal development and success.

Embracing change

When unchecked, the cycle of perceived bad luck can become a habituated response to life’s adversities. That this always happens to me, is a thought that keeps coming to one’s mind after a while. It is important to stop this thought from making a permanent home in your mind. Embracing change and adaptability is how one can break this cycle. Doing things like entertaining new perspectives, approaches and experiences can help here. By embracing change, we can get out of familiar patterns and create space for new opportunities and positive experiences.

The perception of bad luck often stems from our interpretation of events. By recognising patterns and implementing transformative strategies, we can break this cycle of what we call bad luck. In the long run, this change in attitude also helps us foster a mindset that attracts positivity and growth.


What causes the perception of bad luck?

The perception of bad luck often arises from a negative mindset that delves into setbacks, challenges and unfortunate events being suffered by us.

How can one break the cycle of perceived bad luck?

Breaking the cycle involves understanding the patterns one is dealing with, shifting perspectives accordingly and cultivating resilience and openness to change.

Is the perception of bad luck a habitual response?

Yes, often the perception of continuous bad luck becomes a habitual response to life’s adversities.

Can changing one’s perspective help overcome perceived bad luck?

It is very important to shift your perspective from a negative outlook to one that’s positive. Seek lessons and growth within challenges, this can help you overcome perceived bad luck.




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