We are living in an age where consumerism has become the norm. In many cases, the concept of happiness is being associated with the consumption of material goods and services. But on the other hand, there is another perspective that aims at less consumption, or at the very least, mindful consumption that can help achieve inner peace. While embracing simplicity in life is not a novel concept, it is gaining vogue as a counter to excess consumerism. Moreover, research has shown that people who desire materialism are less satisfied with their lives.

It is no surprise, then, that more people are trying to find ways to create a simple yet efficient lifestyle in their pursuit of happiness. However, it is important to understand that simplicity doesn’t mean giving away all your belongings and living like a hermit. It is about creating a lifestyle where we can focus on what really matters. The idea is to eliminate distractions and complications that deter us from tapping into the reservoir of bliss. Wondering how you can do this? Follow these habits to embrace simplicity in life.

Declutter your space

The first step on your journey to simple living is understanding your attitude towards material possessions. Look at the space in your house and observe how many things you actually require for your day-to-day living. Check whether the things you own are simply collecting dust and eating up your space or are of some use. Accumulating excess possessions that don’t add much value to our living conditions ends up congesting our space, which, in turn, can also create an adverse effect on our wellbeing. Start by making a note of the possessions that you do not need. Whether it’s clothes, old furniture, books, or anything else that is not in use anymore. You can donate some of those items, especially clothes, to charity and sell off old furniture that can still be of use to others.

Practice gratitude

We spend too much time trying to accumulate new possessions that we seldom take a moment to be thankful for what we already have. Think about it. When was the last time you asked yourself questions such as, ‘Am I content with what I have?’, ‘Did I express gratitude to my family or friends for their support?’ Owing to our materialistic lifestyles, we tend to ignore the good things in our lives, while desiring what we don’t have. While chasing our dreams is perfectly fine, we shouldn’t forget about the simple things or moments that bring us joy. You can maintain a gratitude journal and regularly make a note of things that you are truly grateful for in life. Learn to say ‘thank you’ to those who help you and share your moments of joy with others.

Decrease social media usage

Social media has become an inseparable part of our lives. However, excess usage of social media apps can be detrimental to our health. According to a study, “social network users risk becoming more and more addicted to social media platforms even as they experience stress from their use.” If you want to embrace simplicity in life, find a way to counter your stress. Make a conscious effort to reduce your daily social media usage. Set up reminders on apps or create alarms on your smartphones to keep a check on how many hours you are spending while chatting or browsing through social media apps. Most importantly, do not spend a lot of time on social media before sleeping, as it can interfere with your sleep. According to the Sleep Foundation, “Checking social media, sending emails, or looking at the news before bed can keep us awake, as nighttime use of electronics can affect sleep through the stimulating-effects of light from digital screens.” Once you regulate your social media usage, you will be able to sleep better and experience less stress, which will help you embrace a simple and holistic lifestyle.

Engage in mindfulness meditation

Meditation is not a mystical path suited only for monks and ascetics. You, too, can practice it and reap its benefits. In recent years, mindfulness meditation has especially gained massive popularity around the world, as it can be practiced by anyone irrespective of their background. Mindfulness meditation enables you to focus your attention on the present moment, which has become a rarity in our fast-paced lives replete with endless distractions. Once you establish a sense of inner calm and bliss through the practice of meditation, you will notice that you are less perturbed by distractions. This habit will help you live a simple yet deeply enriching life.


How can adopting positive habits lead to a more fulfilling life?

Positive habits play a crucial role in simplifying. These habits guide individuals to prioritize what truly matters, eliminate unnecessary clutter, and create a sense of balance and contentment in their daily routines.

What are some examples of positive habits that contribute to a more simplified lifestyle?

Positive habits such as decluttering, practicing gratitude, setting boundaries, and practicing mindfulness are key contributors to embracing simplicity in life.

How can cultivating positive habits lead to reduced stress and increased well-being?

By cultivating positive habits that promote simplicity, individuals can experience reduced stress levels and improved overall well-being.

How can positive habits aid individuals in aligning their actions with their values?

By practicing habits like mindfulness meditation, and self-care, gratitude individuals can ensure that their choices and actions are in harmony with what truly matters to them.