With countries reopening their borders, it is only a matter of time before travel picks up again. However, travel in the post-pandemic era will not be the same. Before COVID-19 struck, exploring crowded marketplaces and enjoying dinner at restaurants brimming with locals was the hallmark of a gratifying holiday. Now, the crowd incites fear and anxiety among tourists. They have become more cautious about the places they choose to travel to.

The pandemic has fundamentally changed how we think about travelling. That said, this reality hasn’t stopped people from making plans. The Guardian reports a rise in holiday bookings for 2022. Nonetheless, travellers in the post-pandemic world will be extra cautious about their safety. In addition to all the usual expectations, they will seek higher hygiene standards, information about local restrictions, such as curfews and business closures, and reassurance of sanitation protocols on property. Above all, they will want to recapture the sense of relaxation and wellbeing. It won’t be surprising to see trends like wellness tourism and solo trips grow in popularity.

Going forward, we may see travelling decisions being dictated by how well a region has controlled the coronavirus outbreak. While it’s impossible to predict what the future may bring, here are a few travelling trends that we may see in the post-pandemic era.

Visits to friends and family could increase

As much as people missed travelling, it is safe to assume they missed their friends and families even more. Especially the elderly people as they were more vulnerable during the pandemic. They couldn’t visit their children and grandchildren. Now that the restrictions have been relaxed, they will be looking forward to making up for the lost time by visiting their family members as much as they can. According to an Airbnb report, “over the past year, the number of older adult guests on Airbnb in the US has grown by nearly 20 percent.” It seems like the post-pandemic era will be more about reconnecting with other family members and friends than anything else.

Solo trips may be preferred

While travelling solo is not a new concept, the pandemic has made it a preferred choice for those who don’t want to get sick. Travelling solo reduces the chances of getting infected as you are mostly by yourself, which makes social distancing easier. Moreover, when you are not travelling in a group, you are free to draw up your itinerary and schedule. A study suggests there has already been a shift from group tours to independent travel among young Chinese tourists. There are chances that this trend will follow suit in other countries too.

Wellness tourism could get a boost

According to the US-based non-profit Global Wellness Institute, wellness tourism is travel associated with the pursuit of maintaining or enhancing one’s personal wellbeing. This form of tourism was already on an upward trajectory before the COVID-19 crisis. But with mental health becoming a huge concern during the lockdown, more and more tourists are expected to travel to places that can help them relax and unwind. According to a study, wellness tourism is forecast to grow at an average annual rate of 7.5 percent through 2022, considerably faster than the 6.4 percent growth estimated for overall tourism.

Reconnecting with nature may become prominent

The chances are new, off-beat places may emerge as preferred destinations as people will most likely skip the usual tourist’s hotspot to keep themselves safe. Travellers may opt for places that are surrounded by greenery such as national parks and hill stations. This will allow them to adhere to social distancing rules and reconnect with nature that was missing in the last one and half years. Travelling to such places can also lower the anxiety levels for those who were emotionally affected by the pandemic and the lockdowns.

Road trips may be favoured

In the post-pandemic era, people may prefer road trips overflights and trains due to safety concerns. Especially when they are travelling with friends and family or with a group. They wouldn’t risk getting infected. Moreover, taking a road trip offers more flexibility and freedom. You don’t have to stand up in long queues to wait for the train or bus to arrive. There is more independence as you are not tied down to anyone’s schedule but your own. Since finances will also play a huge role in influencing travel decisions, domestic travel may take precedence over faraway destinations. You just need to buckle up and hit the road.