Everyone faces hard times in life. However, what makes you different is the emotional resilience you wield to fight and stand strong in the face of difficulties. Your ability to adapt to stressful situations defines your emotional resilience, and eventually, who you are. The rougher your journey is, the tougher you become, mentally, and emotionally. This being said, to have emotional resilience is not that simple.

It is easy to get irrational in your thoughts and actions. However, the ability to think clearly and act rationally requires the right attitude. If you are emotionally resilient, you can think judiciously and be clear-sighted. Your thought process becomes flexible and you tend to solve problems easily. It is an infinite loop of adversities that makes you resilient and prepares you to fight, helping you grow into a strong and positive individual.

Here are 7 easy ways to strengthen your emotional resilience.

Optimism is the key

We always assume our adversities to be grave and pressing than they actually are. This is the doing of our intrusive thoughts that feed on our fears. This is where optimism comes in and helps us cope with anxiety and stress. A shift in attitude is necessary to stay strong and hopeful. The more optimistic you are, the easier it becomes to find solutions. It also improves your instincts and problem-solving skills and motivates your resilient self.

Be more solution-oriented

There are many factors that come into play while dealing with a certain situation. These factors need not always be under your control. What matters is how you approach the situation. Do not react immediately, take time to think and respond accordingly. Once you accept that you are in an unfavourable situation, then you will find ways to tackle it. Instead of mulling over an issue, find the root of the problem. Rational thinking and a confident approach will help you overcome the challenges in life.

Be objective to see things as they are

What is the situation? How did I get here? How much do I know? How will I handle the problem? How will I solve these issues? You need to ask yourself a few questions when you feel trapped in an unfavourable situation. Look where you went wrong, how you could have avoided the issue. When you are aware of how much ground you are standing on, you can find better solutions. Using a third-person perspective can further help you get an unbiased view of a situation. It makes you objective and helps you become a strong and confident person who can weather any storm.

Patience compliments resilience

Your emotional resilience is the upper limit of your strength, and patience is its mirror. Being patient empowers your will to remain calm in stressful situations. And when you are calm, you assess the situation coherently and take positive decisions and actions to confront your problems. Remember, losing your calm will not bring you any results. It only makes things worse.

Empathy makes you strong

Empathy is the virtue of strong and resilient people. Our fear of being seen as too sensitive or too weak makes us distant from offering empathy. Many believe strength lies in being bold and aggressive rather than showing one’s sensitive side. But the truth is, by sharing empathy you can feel comfortable in your skin. It boosts your confidence and self-worth, as it fills you with positive energy, and makes you more objective, and positive.

Problems seem smaller with humour

Actor Roger Moore once said, “If you don’t have humour, then you may as well nail the coffin lid down now.” If you cannot laugh at yourself, you are not living a fulfilled life. Time will heal the wounds only when you are ready to tend to them, and humour is the best way to do it. Staying happy makes you believe that the adversities are powerless over you, and you can tackle them with confidence. Laughing at yourself is an important life skill as it not only cures depression and stress but also strengthens your emotional resilience.

Be practical in your approach

It is easy to deal with a crisis emotionally and easier to be a bystander and pass judgement. But to be in the situation and think practically is not everyone’s cup of tea. Only when you look at your current situation without prejudice and have a practical approach towards it, you can grow as an individual and build on your emotional resilience and strength.


What is emotional resilience?

Emotional resilience refers to the ability to adapt and remain strong in the face of difficult circumstances.

How can optimism help build emotional resilience?

Adopting an optimistic mindset can help cope with anxiety and stress. Optimism allows for a more positive outlook, improves problem-solving skills, and motivates resilience by facilitating the search for solutions.

How does empathy contribute to building emotional resilience?

Offering empathy and connecting with others enhances confidence, self-worth, and positive energy. It fosters objectivity and strengthens emotional resilience.