Calm down: How to identify your triggers and control your anger

Anger is an emotion that everyone experiences from time to time. But for some people, anger can be a problem. It can get out of control and lead to problems at work, in relationships and other areas of life. This article helps you identify your triggers and control your anger.

Do you ever find yourself getting angry or frustrated over the smallest of things? Maybe it’s a rude comment from a co-worker or your partner not doing the dishes. One thing is certain though, that it can be tough to control these emotions once they start bubbling up.

There are different types of anger, and it’s essential to understand which type you tend to experience. Some people tend to get angry in an explosive way, while others may simmer quietly until they finally blow up. Knowing the type of anger you typically experience can help you better manage it.

It’s also essential to understand the difference between healthy and unhealthy anger. Healthy anger is a normal emotion that helps us stand up for ourselves and others. Unhealthy anger is destructive and gets out of control. It’s important to learn how to express your anger in a healthy way. By following some really simple steps, you can identify and manage your triggers before they have a chance to get under your skin.

Soulveda shares the top five ways in which you can take control of your anger and live a more peaceful life.

Identify your triggers

Everyone experiences anger from time to time. But for some, anger can get out of control and cause problems at work and in other areas of life. If you too have trouble managing your anger, there are things that help get it under control. The first step is to understand what triggers your anger. Your triggers are the things that set off your anger. Everyone has different triggers, such as anger that is triggered by personal attacks where you feel attacked or criticized whether it’s verbally or physically. Feeling disrespected or ignored can make us feel angry and undervalued too. Experiencing unfair treatment, discrimination or injustice can also be a trigger for some. Take some time to think about what your triggers are. Once you know what sets you off, you can start to develop strategies for dealing with those triggers in a healthy way.

Identifying the triggers and understanding what makes us angry plays a vital role in managing this extremeemotion, thereby improving our relationships.

Learn from the experience

Learning from our experiences is an important part of personal growth and development. When it comes to anger management, reflecting on past experiences where you may have acted impulsively or reacted inappropriately can provide valuable insights. For one, it may teach you how to control your anger in the future. Writing down  what happened before and after you felt angry can help you see patterns in your rage.

In addition to this, you can talk to someone who knows you well. Your dear ones may be able to help you identify patterns in your behaviour that you’re not aware of. You can also think about times when you’ve been calm and happy. What were the circumstances surrounding those times? Try to recreate those circumstances when you’re feeling angry and you will experience a calming process in no time.

Next time you feel angry, you may also try taking a break from the situation. Remove yourself physically if possible, or take a mental break by practising deep breathing or meditation. This can help you calm down and gain perspective before reacting impulsively.

Practice empathy 

Practising empathy can be an effective strategy to control your anger. By trying to understand and share the feelings of others, you tend to see things from their perspective.This consequently helps reduce anger or feelings of resentment. Here are some tips for practising empathy:

  • When someone is speaking, try to actively listen to what they’re saying without interrupting or dismissing their feelings. This can help you understand their perspective and show that you care about their thoughts and feelings.
  • You can put yourself in their shoes and imagine what being in their position would be like. This can help you see things from their point of view and understand why they may feel a certain way.

With empathy comes the ability to respond to the other person with kindness and compassion, even at a time when you are angry or frustrated. Steadily, you will learn to diffuse upsetting situations and reduce the likelihood of escalating conflicts.

Reduce stress levels

Most of us will agree that we are prone to anger when we are stressed.A major trigger for anger, by reducing stress levels, we can effectively control losing our temprer.  Techniques such as deep breathing and exercising regularly can help reduce stress and tension and improve mood and overall wellbeing. Dedicate at least 30 minutes daily to exercise and see the change in your ability to manage your anger.

Getting adequate sleep alsoreduces stress levels. Try and avoid the consumption of caffeine and other stimulants that may contribute to stress. By trying these techniques,one can train one’s mind and body to deal with anger triggers.

Findhealthy outlets to express

We cannot go about shouting or laying out our angry feelings to anyone and everyone. Finding healthy outlets to express anger and frustration is thus essential. Without an outlet, we may end up dealing with our anger in an unhealthy way. One of the best ways to channelise anger is by taking up a physical activity like running or boxing. This can help release some of that built-up energy constructively. Another option is to express oneself through writing or art. This is a great way to get all our thoughts and feelings out without harming anyone else.

Finally, talking to a friend about why we frequently get angry is the most effective way to gain perspective and figure how to better deal with our trigger.

Seek professional help

There are several signs that indicate it might be time to seek professional help for your anger. If you find yourself having difficulty controlling your anger, if your anger is impacting your work or personal relationships or if you’re experiencing any other negative consequence as a result of your anger, it’s important to seek professional help.

Remember, seeking professional help for anger management is a sign of strength, not weakness. A mental health professional can help you develop coping strategies and work through underlying issues contributing to your anger.

Learning to identify and how to manage your anger is a valuable skill. Once you become more aware of what triggers you, you will be better prepared to control yourself emotionally when conflict strikes. With regular practice, you can further gain the insight necessary to keep your temper in check when things don’t go as planned.