The human body is an intricate machine made up of flesh and bones. The coordination with which its various faculties function is indeed awe-inspiring. Our body endows us with nourishment to create life on earth. But, how did life originate?

This conundrum has haunted philosophers and scientists alike. The quest for answers led researchers to study the human anatomy on cellular and genome levels. Despite their efforts, the origin of life still remains an unsolved puzzle.

What if the orchestration of life occurs from a deeper domain of existence? After all, ancient yogic sciences put forth a similar theory. Fourth century BC Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra, makes a mention about life as a subtle life-force energy–a spec of awareness called prana. The prana is believed to have originated as the life-force energy from the sun. The Vedas and Upanishads state that this life-force energy comprises the five elements of the universe.

While we have begun to understand our physical body, our energy body remains a rather abstract concept to us. However, quantum physics has proved that we are all energy beings. Unlike our physical body, the energy body cannot be perceived through our sense organs. We cannot dissect it and study it.

But, mystic Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev, in his book Mystics Musings, writes: “As we become more aware of ourselves, we will notice this energy. We will notice it moving in established pathways within us.” He talks of 72,000 different pathways called nadis through which this life-force energy or prana moves. Further, he states that these nadis confluence at certain points. These junctions are called chakra. Of the 114 chakras, seven are fundamental to the yogic system.

If the energy is dominant in the swadishthana, we begin to enjoy the physical reality passionately. With an ability to feel intensely, we also tend to become creative.

The seven chakras include muladhara, swadhishthana, manipura, anahata, vishuddhi, ajna and sahasrara. They play a significant role in our spiritual sojourn. It is said that fundamentally, any spiritual path is the rise of energy from muladhara to sahasrara. In his book The Spiritual Essence of Man: The Chakras and the Inverted Tree of Life, founder of the World Pranic Healing Foundation Master Choa Kok Sui writes: “When you have conductivity in your nadis and chakra, your spiritual progress is faster.”

Further, Soulveda tries to understand the seven chakras and their significance in our lives:

Muladhara chakra

The base of the spine, the perineum, is where the first chakra, muladhara resides. Associated with the earth, muladhara is at the base of the energy body. Yogic systems hence stress on the importance of stabilising this chakra. It is said that when the muladhara chakra is activated, survival becomes our priority. The fight or flight response kicks in and we are limited to our primal nature.

Swadishthana chakra

The second chakra, associated with water, is located a little above the muladhara. If the energy is dominant in the swadishthana, we begin to enjoy the physical reality passionately. With an ability to feel intensely, we also tend to become creative. Pleasure begins to dominate and hence, this chakra is also associated with procreation.

Manipura chakra

The third chakra, manipura, is in charge of our identity. Centre of dynamism and energy, manipura is associated with willpower and achievement. It pushes us to overcome challenges and move forward. Associated with the element fire and located at our solar plexus, this chakra gives us motivation to build a life we dream about.

Ajna chakra, located between our eyebrows, makes us intellectually enlightened. Often called the third eye, it enables us to see everything as an observer.

Anahata chakra

Anahata chakra lies in the heart region. As the centre of love and kindness, this chakra enables us to live life meaningfully. Associated with air, anahata is often considered to be a transitory chakra–a transition between our lower and higher energies. This chakra also balances our instinct to survive and our desire to free ourselves from the limitations of the physical world.

Vishuddhi chakra

Vishuddhi chakra lies in the throat region. Associated with the element ether, energy in this chakra enables us to express ourselves. Empowering us to accept ourselves for what we are, energy in vishuddhi enables us to become powerful communicators.

Ajna chakra

Ajna chakra, located between our eyebrows, makes us intellectually enlightened. This chakra helps us attain a state of calm and peace from within. Hence, the outside world no longer bothers us. Often called the third eye, it enables us to see everything as an observer. This detached but objective perception grants us the wisdom to see things beyond the dualities of good or bad and right or wrong.

Sahasrara chakra

Finally, when the energies move into the sahasrara chakra in the crown of our heads, we become one with the cosmos. We do not merely theorise that every one of us is connected at a fundamental level. We live and experience it every single day. This mystical oneness helps us tap into the wisdom of the universe–the universal consciousness. It is here that we come face-to-face with our true nature–a pure piece of awareness that we are equipped with limitless potential.


How many chakras are fundamental to the yogic system?

Seven chakras are fundamental to the yogic system. They are the muladhara, swadhishthana, manipura, anahata, vishuddhi, ajna, and sahasrara chakras.

What is the significance of the muladhara chakra?

The muladhara chakra is located at the base of the spine and is associated with the earth element. It is the first chakra and is important for stabilizing the energy body.

What does the manipura chakra represent?

The manipura chakra, located at the solar plexus, is the third chakra associated with the fire element.