Living In Peace And Harmony : B. K. S.C. Sunil Kumar

Peace is our true religion

It is impossible to live a happy life without peace. Peace is not a physical thing. This is a fundamental quality of the human mind.

Indian culture insists on living in harmony. Led by Mahatma Gandhi, India got freedom by following the path of peace, non-violence and tolerance. Nothing can be achieved through violence. Today what would be the result of modern scientific progress? The countries are in pursuit of nuclear arms, race for the power and pride of their own nation, and with the false notion that  these  warheads  decrease  the chances of crisis escalation, but the truth is this may cause destruction of the entire world. We have waged wars in the name of liberty and peace and made weapons to ensure stability. However, greed and lust for power spawn new conflicts or lay the seeds of future wars. Today, even poor  countries  spend  their  scarce resources on weapons and armies. Those who senselessly go after violent methods themselves become hostage to the forces of destruction they have unleashed. Behind most of the wars, there are three evils – anger, greed and pride which may later  spiral  into  jealousy,  insecurity, resentment and hostility.

The original nature of water is coolness. If we boil the water and then keep it aside, it goes back to its original state of coolness. Similarly, peace is the original nature and basic quality of man. It is impossible to live a happy life without peace. Peace is not a physical thing. This is a fundamental quality of the human mind. We cannot achieve anything by being jealous, narrow minded, and hateful, in fact we harm ourselves. Jealousy, malice, is a fire that burns ourselves before we experiment on others. Just like a fire stick burns the stick first, similarly we first spoil our own peace and happiness.

The vices lust, anger, greed, attachment, and ego are the main enemies of the soul that result in misdeeds. human beings today, have become blind and corrupt due to these vices. Today, man is subjugated with anger and commits misdeeds and sins. The testing of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki during the Second World War was the result of anger which resulted in deaths of millions of innocent people Being peace lovers, we need to spread the message of peace in the world. We need to understand that it’s by waging an inner war to rid our minds of evil, that we can radiate vibrations of love, peace and happiness into the world. The call of this time is a call for peace. If we sit in silence, we can hear the call of the peaceless world for peace – not just to bring an end to conflict, but for a deep inner stillness and calm, where all souls remember their original state of being peaceful beings. To move into this state of profound silence, we must train the intellect to create pure, good thoughts; remove anger, greed and pride from our minds and foster the positive values of peace, love and harmony. When we are in this state, we can connect to the higher source and feel the flow of love for humanity and share the divine energy of God’s love and powers with the whole world. In this state of inner calm, when we look at the world, we will see through our original nature of benevolence and experience compassion for the world. Peace will come naturally to us.




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