“Your emotions make you human. Even the unpleasant ones have a purpose. Don’t lock them away. If you ignore them, they just get louder and angrier.” ― Sabaa Tahir. Every day, we experience moments that trigger a mix of emotions within us. Some are positive, others are negative. Naturally, we welcome positive emotions because they make us feel good. But when it comes to negative emotions, we rarely address them. As a matter of fact, we suppress them or allow them to get repressed.

To better understand what ‘suppression’ and ‘repression’ mean, let’s take an example: Say, you have a bad day at work, and later, at home, you get into an argument with your spouse. It is, indeed, a negative stimulus and so, the negative emotion of anger stirs up within. In response, you can react in three probable ways: One, you acknowledge your anger, and express it irrespective of how you are feeling. Two, sensing your rising anger, you suppress it through deep breathing. Three, you subconsciously repress your anger.

Studies show that the subconscious mind, sometimes, represses the surge of negative emotions because it perceives them as harmful to our emotional wellbeing. According to the study Repression: Finding Our Way in the Maze of Concepts published by the National Centre of Biotechnology Information: “Repressive-defensiveness is characterized by a non-conscious avoidance of threatening information.” And so, a person with repressive tendencies is likely to remain sociable and cheerful, who rarely complains about their misfortune. Their self-image too is positive. However, when such a person encounters someone who discusses an emotional problem, they are inclined to quickly change the subject in an attempt to avoid dealing with negative emotions.

So, what is the right way to handle negative emotions, given there are various ways to deal with them? Clinical psychologist Dr. Joy Bannerjee responds, “It is in our best interest to acknowledge our emotions and feel through them. The more we become receptive to a spectrum of emotions that surface from within us, the better we’d become, at not only acknowledging them but also at processing and expressing them.” When we shun negative emotions away—either by suppressing or repressing them, we only bury them alive. They fester until one day they emerge to cause greater damage.

The more we keep our repressed emotions buried, the more they surface. Letting them surface and airing them out is the only way to experience the much-needed catharsis.

According to an article published by Jefferson Myrna Brind Center of Integrative Medicine How Emotional Processes Affect Physical Health and Well-Being, pent-up emotions can deteriorate our overall wellbeing. They can adversely affect our immune system making us susceptible to physical illnesses; they can lead to somatisation—an unconscious process wherein emotional pain is converted into physical pain, and they can shorten the lifespan. The article states, “Freud uncovered links between repressed emotions and physical symptoms nearly one hundred years ago… Over 80% of all doctor visits involved a social-emotional problem, while only 16% could be considered solely organic in nature.”

Negative emotions can wreak havoc on the mind. The longer you keep them buried, the more intense they get. Letting them surface, airing them out is the only way to experience the much-needed catharsis.

Here’s how you can handle your negative emotions.

Acknowledge them

Anger, jealousy, guilt or fear, the first step to deal with negative emotions lurking within is to acknowledge them. Judging emotions and labelling them as good or bad never helps. Emotions are just emotions, and there is nothing wrong with feeling them. The more we accept them for what they are, the more we can feel and process them.

Write about them

Writing is almost a cathartic experience, a seamless way to air out the intense and complex emotions we feel from time to time. A journal of emotions and connected thoughts is always a useful tool. Experts say the key lies in being as descriptive as possible about how we feel, and why we feel the way we do. The more we record our emotions and the thoughts that triggered them, the better we are likely to get at decoding our own psyche. The better chance we have at navigating through our own thoughts and process everything we feel.

Use them to fuel creativity

Strong emotions—both positive and negative—are often the greatest source of inspiration. Some of the best artistic and creative endeavours in history have emerged from tapping into the intensity of human emotions. Art, in any form, has the ability to reach into the recesses of the deepest of emotions. Emotions, when allowed to spur art, become the fuel for creativity.


What happens if we repress our negative emotions?

The longer you keep negative emotions buried, the more intense they get.

Why should we let our emotions surface?

Letting negative emotions surface and airing them out is the only way to experience catharsis.

How can repressed emotions affect our well-being?

Repressed emotions can deteriorate overall well-being, affect the immune system and may shorten lifespan.

How can we handle negative emotions?

Acknowledge them, write about them, and use them to fuel creativity.