Benefits of journaling for mental health

Benefits of journaling: Writing as a tool for self-care

Journaling can prove to be an empowering tool for introspection, self-reflection and self-care, things you need the most when healing.

Despite having an immense passion for writing, I could never initiate journaling or writing a daily diary as it was called then, in my childhood. While many of my friends were filling up their daily diaries, which were completely personal to them, I was not able to overcome a mental block of chronicling daily events, feelings, emotions or struggles without fearing about exposing my inner most thoughts. So I could get to journalling only recently. Better late than never!

The last few years have proved to be tough for one and all as the entire planet found itself amidst unforeseen and unprecedented circumstances.  I too experienced my share of losses, sorrows and anxieties. Taking to journaling became the best thing to clear a muddled up head in such times.

It felt surprisingly good to let flow all my thoughts and feelings out of the head and onto the paper. Journaling each day during those very tough days acted like a sponge, absorbing my fears, worries, sorrows and loneliness. With each passing day, my head and the world seemed clearer and better. Tough times always pass. For me too, better times ensued. However, I decided to continue journaling each day. I realised that journaling could prove to be an empowering tool for introspection, self-reflection and self-care, things you need the most when healing.

Many among  us have experienced trauma or an emotional upheaval which needs healing. But the period and process of healing may be different for each individual. During this period, self-care is needed to be able to bounce back to our healthier selves. Self-care is taking care of ourself emotionally and physically. With journaling, we can process our emotions, track our reactions and clearly write down what we are experiencing. This is our most personal outlet, where we can write our thoughts without being judged.

One can choose a diary, a notebook or even create a file in one’s laptop to start reaping the benefits of journaling. Remember to set aside a particular time of the day to journal everyday and choose a peaceful corner too.

Soulveda suggests a number of ways journaling can be a tool for self-care  in tough times or even when it’s a smooth ride.

Helps in processing emotions

We experience positive as well as negative emotions each day. Moments of joy, love, contentment and happiness flow in and out as do feelings of anger, sadness, envy or hate. There are periods when negative emotions begin to outweigh the positive ones. Such  situations can prove to be overwhelming and the continued experience of typically negative emotions can lead to stress, anxiety or even depression. Journaling helps in clearly writing our fears and worries while eliminating ambiguity, paving the way for clear thinking.

Identifying triggers and reactions

When you start journaling each day’s highlights, you start to identify the triggers and reactions to particular situations.

When you experience stressful or anxious situations, writing regularly each day helps you identify patterns. Your mind weaves infinite thoughts every day, and you move from one thought to another, losing track of the origin of stress. Chronicling your reactions and emotions help in finding the root cause.

Once you are able to rationalise, it leads to better ways to address the emanating stress. However, if the process of healing proves challenging, taking help of a professional expert and writing a daily journal become mutually beneficial as the writing helps the expert understand and advise accordingly.

Tracking relationships

A lot of stress often generates from strained or failing relationships. Journaling helps to understand our thought patterns as well as other’s responses and behaviour. By regularly writing about our ongoing relationships, we can figure specific problem areas. Correcting these may help improve on the relationships. Once we start identifying roadblocks and stressors, we start making a conscious effort to handle the obstacles better.

Unleashing creativity

Writing about your own thoughts, feelings, and emotions brings clarity and also generates novel ideas.

While  in your journey towards healing, a creative pursuit can play a very important role in bouncing back. As you write, you tend to gain new perspectives and this opens new, creative outlets for many.

Channelling your energy into creating something opens new vistas as well as brings calm to your mind. Gradually, you move from an anxious and stressed state to a calmer and creative one, on the path of positivity.

Offering gratitude

Our journey of life is always inundated with obstacles. Once we adopt a gratitude mindset, that is being thankful for each and every blessing, it leads to healing from a loss. By journaling about what you have, your good experiences in a day, and about people who pour love and support for you, you open doors for your own happiness and healing.

My own journey of healing took a quick turnaround when I started writing each day about all that I was grateful for. My world view started to change, and I could find myself admiring people, things and find positivity all around.


How journaling helps in healing?

Journaling can prove to be an empowering tool for introspection, self-reflection and self-care, things you need the most when healing.

Does gratitude journal help in healing?

By journaling about what you have, your good experiences in a day, and about people who pour love and support for you, you open doors for your own happiness and healing.

How to start journaling?

You can choose a diary, a notebook or even create a file in your laptop to start reaping the benefits of journaling. Remember to set aside a particular time of the day to record your journal and choose a peaceful corner to do so.

How journaling helps to address your emotions?

Journaling helps in clearly writing fears and worries. It eliminates ambiguity paving way for clear thinking.




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