beat procrastination

Want to beat procrastination: These 8 books can help

Reading these books can help you find effective ways to combat procrastination, which will enable you to accomplish more than what you doing now.

Picture this. You have an easy task on your plate. All you have to do is move the files from one folder to another. Seems easy enough, you tell yourself and put it off for later. In the meantime, something urgent comes up and you shift all your attention to this assignment. By the time you are done, it’s already late. You check your to-do list and see that the ‘easy task’ is left untouched and unfinished. You feel frustrated because something that could have been done in 10 minutes is still undone. This habit can be referred to as procrastination.

American author, James Clear writes in his blog, “procrastination is the act of delaying or postponing a task or set of tasks.” It’s an inner struggle that can seriously destroy your overall wellbeing. And the scary thing is, it gnaws at your growth and confidence without raising any alarm. Hence, it is of utmost importance that you find ways to get rid of this habit if you procrastinate too often. A positive step in that direction will be to pick up books that offer solutions. Reading them can help you find effective ways to combat this problem, which will enable you to cut this habit from its root. Keep in mind, procrastination is not a character flaw but an act or behaviour that can be unlearned.

The Now Habit: A Strategic Program for Overcoming Procrastination and Enjoying Guilt-Free Play, by Neil Fiore

If you often find yourself delaying or avoiding certain tasks, then pick up this book. In The Now Habit, renowned psychologist and author, Neil Fiore talks about procrastination and explains why and how it happens. Readers will find suggestions that they can implement in their lives to overcome this habit and unlock their productivity. Fiore offers strategies and tools that can help anyone beat procrastination, improve their quality of work and have enough time to enjoy a guilt-free life.

Solving the Procrastination Puzzle: A Concise Guide to Strategies for Change, by Timothy A. Pychyl

We all want to bolster our potential and live a life filled with success and happiness. But more often than not, we end up sabotaging our best intentions. Why? Because we give in to our self-destructive ideas and habits, such as procrastination. In this book, author Timothy A. Pychyl provides practical tips to solve the procrastination puzzle. Pychyl writes, “Habits are easy to change. We need to make a conscious effort with specific strategies for change to be successful.” Readers will find well-researched suggestions and ideas to uproot procrastination from your life.

Still Procrastinating: The No Regrets Guide to Getting It Done, by Joseph Ferrari

In this book, Dr Joseph Ferrari has captured over 25 years of research into his own story on why we procrastinate and how we can learn to act differently. Readers will know about the lesser-known causes of procrastination, including fear of failure and fear of success. They will be able to examine their behaviours and how their self-destructive actions stop them from realising their full potential. If you are determined to change your life, this book will provide you with the guidance to stop making excuses and take positive actions.

Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity, by David Allen

To become more productive, getting rid of the habit of procrastination is a must. You can’t stay focused otherwise. In this book, management consultant David Allen talks about the methods that can help boost your performance without adding any extra stress. Allen stresses that one can increase their productivity only when they have a clutter-free mind. If your thoughts are not organised, you’ll never be able to focus on your work, or anywhere for that matter. Reading this book can help elevate your performance at work. Allen writes, “If you don’t pay appropriate attention to what has your attention, it will take more of your attention than it deserves.”

The Willpower Instinct: How Self-Control Works, Why It Matters, and What You Can Do to Get More of It, by Kelly McGonigal

This book is based on a course—The Science of Willpower—created by the author Kelly McGonigal for Stanford University’s Continuing Studies Program. McGonigal explains how we can improve our self-control through mindfulness, exercise, nutrition and sleep. She provides research-backed tips and exercises that can help boost your productivity. For anyone struggling with procrastination, this book will serve as a guiding light that offers life-changing advice. Readers will get try-it-yourself experiments that can help them change their lives for the better.

The Productivity Project: Accomplishing More by Managing Your Time, Attention, and Energy, by Chris Bailey

In this bestselling book, author Chris Bailey talks about 25 tactics that can help boost your productivity. Based on hundreds of personal experiments and interviews with productivity experts including Charles Duhigg and David Allen, this book is an interesting exploration of what it takes to be productive. Bailey writes, “productivity is no longer about how efficiently you work. Productivity is about how much you accomplish.” Readers will find a treasure trove of information on how to schedule less time for important time, stay away from distractions and eliminate unimportant tasks.

Eat That Frog: 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time, by Brian Tracy

In today’s times, we have too much to do in little time. In Eat That Frog, author Brian Tracy shares 21 tips that can help you stop procrastinating once and for all, and become more productive. Tracy writes, “One of the keys to living a wonderful life, having a successful career, and feeling terrific about yourself is to develop the habit of starting and finishing important jobs.” Readers will find effective ways to eliminate distractions that keep them from achieving their targets and becoming successful in life.

Self-Compassion: The Power of Being Kind to Yourself, by Kristin Neff

How often have you criticised yourself for delaying a task? Probably more than once. If you are a procrastinator, most likely, countless times. Self-criticism is fine as long as it’s done constructively. But if you constantly berate yourself, your self-esteem will take a hit and your productivity will sink in no time. In her book, author Kristin Neff urges readers to not be too harsh on themselves. She offers expert advice on how to limit self-criticism and offset its negative impacts. Readers will learn about exercises and action plans to deal with everyday struggles and live a fulfilled life.


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